Special white magic / Feeling towards someone / Your luck and health

Although many people are suffering from dislike someone,
they don't know the final solution about their feeling.
Cursing/Anger is really easy and sometimes you may feel good
but you never change the situation.
You will see the person or similar person in the future again.
You can't avoid them even in the next life.
That's why you are living in the Earth now
and you have to be born again.
Unless you change yourself,you need to be born again.
You will be suffered same situations or dislike someone.
It is called the law of repetition.

People should know what you think towards someone will make your future.
Even if dislike someone is really bad or innocence.
Then,what should we do?

First of all,you don't have to forget about person you hate.
And don't have to like the person.
Because it is too difficult.

The best way is thinking of gratitude towards someone you don't like.
It is a kind of white magic of mercy and very effective.No side effect.
(You can't do it?If so,your ego is disturbing yourself)
The disgusting person begins to realize what did he do by your white magic.
Or,conversely,you may start to reflect yourself.
Your correct and light-weight feeling helps everyone around you.
And you are also healed and purified by your good feeling.

Cursing is heavy and useless feeling for both you and someone.
Negative thinking means "Power leakage". 
Human is a kind of electric energy.
When you are dark,bad spirits come and possess you easily.
You need to save your power for healthy lucky life.
If you lose your own power,you will have mental and physical problems.
Of course you will lose your luck.

Human who are always losing own energy by cursing someone,
tend to become immunodeficiency.

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