Effective spiritual care / Incense ritual for poor ghost and evil spirits / Mercy exorcism

My "floor-care" set. ↑
This is similar to my ritual set for ancestors but both purposes are different.
I put floor-care set on the floor for 7 days special ritual.
This is the best way to take care extra spirits living in my house and neighborhood.
Very effective.

First of all,floor-care ritual is not for beginners.
This ritual is for spirits or ghosts who are living in your house,floor and land.
There are poor evil spirits or suffering spirits in almost every house,floor and land.
And they are always suffering from own bad moods.
Of course we take the bad effect more or less.

Let them go to the another world by a correct exorcism.
General exorcism method is not enough because it means "enforced removal".
It is not good at all.
It is just a useless and tentative attempt for both Human and sad spirits.
Evil spirits will angry more and more and they try to possess "other" target.
Or,they will possess you again "after" you got a relief temporarily.
Only kindness,mercy and correct ritual will help spirits.

Now,many people are misunderstanding about ghosts and spirits.
It is certain that they are bad side existence but they were living human originally.
There were strong greed,sadness,sin or jealous in their mind and their past lifetime.
And some of them couldn't go to the another world (Death world) because of their strong tenacious.
Generally speaking,people can go to the another world after 49 days.

Moment of death → 49 days (Bardo time) → Another/death world (Many levels) → Next life
In Bardo time,you have to watch your whole life video that you did in the lifetime.
Your place in the another world depends on the quality of your video.
Kindness people can stay in the peaceful place of the another world.
But mean people have to go to near hell place or hell.

Do you know one of sinful people?
I can tell you.
Who betray own country,Who deny innocent leader of country.
Who create fake information about good leader of country...and so on.
Because their behavior is related to many people of life.
Their sin is same as a massacre.
Japanese current prime minister,Mr Abe is always bulling by fake Japanese in Japan.
Fake Japanese mean naturalized people from neighboring countries.
There are many fake Japanese in Japanese mass media and politics and they make bad news together about prime minister.
Bad people's purpose is money.Just money.
Almost the same thing is happening in America now.
You need to think who make bad news about the president of US.
Some mafia like people want to use weapons to war business.

Let's get back on track.
What you doing have been recorded perfectly until your death moment.
You can't decide the place to stay in the another world.
Your destination is decided by the video quality.
Some people call the video Akashic Records.
Your life has been recording even your thinking.
We have to be reborn forever? No.

About spirits or ghosts.
If people couldn't go to the another world for some their problems,
spirit have own shape that they had in lifetime within 1 year.
One year later,death spots and smell occur.
Skin and bones situation and become a dark smoky ball as a result.
In this case,they have't a malice to people.
They move slowly and no facial expression.
They are just wandering to find a correct way to the another world.
Of course the correct way means the correct house or floor ritual not a enforced exorcism.
If they can't take a correct ritual,
they begin to be fixed there gradually.
Finally,they can't move anymore in a sad and depressed feeling.

Some human died with strong grudge and bad moods.
They are apt to be strong evil spirits.
After above processes,they become a scary figure.
There are head-only ghosts and hair ball spirits.
Hair balls are getting bigger and they can move quickly after many years.

If you suicide,your actual pain and depression mood never disappear.
Don't suicide under any circumstances.
You will surely change the bad situation as long as you are alive.
Only this world is really changeable.
Many people who killed self deeply deeply regret after their crime.
Because suicide means an almost forever ultra bad feeling.

Human's moment of death is decided by God.
Although you had decided all of your life events,but you can't decide the moment of death.
Your life was given by local nature gods and your parents and all of ancestors
because you had wished it.
And your wish was allowed by them.
There is no right for self death.
Killing yourself is big sin more than you think.
They can never go to the heaven because of their strong regret.
They never forgive own suicide after death.
After suicide,they have to stay in the world as heavy mood spirits,
and beg for help towards own family,relatives,or people who are living in the house.
(The house means the place that suicide happened)
Living people take the effect more or less even if they didn't have relationship each other.

There are a few suicide people in every family-line or each relative relationship.
Or, some houses/rooms have these fixed spirits long long time.

You can let them go to the another world with your Butsudan ritual or the new floor ritual.
Generally,Butsudan is a memorial table for your ancestors,relatives,and dead friends and so on.

Only Butsudan,
you can't care suffering poor or evil spirits who are living in your house,land or floor.
They will be cared by the floor care not a Butsudan.

So,Butsudan and the floor care are full-covered protection for you and your family.

If you are interested in the ritual,or you don't feel scary about it,
let's do it.
But you need at least one year achievement of Butsudan(The correct ritual for ancestor worship).
Because enough Butsudan experience protects you when you do the secret ritual for poor evil spirits.
Don't do the secret ritual for poor evil spirits without one year Butsudan experience.
Relieved ancestor group make your invisible barrier stronger and thicker.
How to Butsudan / True ancestor worship 
(Butsudan needs an appropriate height table / The floor care needs a tray not a table)

Preparation for the floor care
(Almost the same things as Butsudan's items)
①Paper board holder ②Wooden tray or cutting board ③Paper board(Tanzaku)
④Incense sticks ⑤Baking soda or exclusive use ash ⑥White plate and bowl
I made a hand made paper board holder.(Wood material only)
Originally,this was a cutting board holder like these.
I divided it into pieces and recreated as a holder.
Please use glue not metal nails when you make it.
(Remove nails if original wood pieces have)
 Other DIY idea for holder

You don't have to create perfect-clean holder for the floor care.
I mean you can use an wood pieces in your garage to make a holder.
Because poor evil spirits don't mind about it.
They have been suffering from their own mind since a long time ago.
But in Butsudan,you have to prepare clean and new wood pieces to make a holder.
Butsudan and floor care are completely different.
Please be careful.

These are my paper board holder for Butsudan not for floor care.
I bought it in Japan many years ago.
Many Japanese people two sets of them.(One set for Butsudan,the other set for floor care)
To tell the truth,this holder is ideal style.
Please make this by saw if you can.
I couldn't make it because I am a clumsy person.
Don't use one set holder both in Butsudan and floor care.
You need divided two set of holder.(For Butsudan use only and for floor care use only)

If you are living in Japan,you can buy the ideal holder easily on line.

Wood cutting board or wood tray like these.
 Wood material only.
I bought a bamboo cutting board.
You can use your old cutting board or tray for the ritual.
But don't use it again for your cooking.
Floor care set is exclusive use of floor care ritual.
Because many poor evil spirits will touch the set items with dirty hands.

Paper board called Tanzaku in Japan.($1.50-3.00 in America)
Approximate size: 6cm×30㎝ / 2.2in×12in
Please follow the basic size as much as possible because it will be effective in the ritual.
You can buy it at Japanese book store.
If you can't find it in your neighborhood,
please use a very thick paper or cardboard as a core.

Idea for handmade paper board.
Roll thick paper by thin white paper for strength.

Let's write important words on your paper board.
The word ,"land" includes your current living floor even if you are living in the second floor apartment.
So,you don't have to worry about it.
Example 1.
"The place for the spirits of the house"
"The memorial place for the spirits of the house "
"The place for the spirits of the house and the land"
"The memorial place for the spirits of the house and the land"

You don't have to write your family name of the house.
Above short sentences mean
 "The sublimation place for suffering poor evil spirits in this house and land or floor"
Black ink pen or writing brush only.
Words that correspond to  "The place" or "The memorial place" are a little bit larger and thicker than other words.
Because these strong letters limited the place for sublimation.
If you don't have the words on the paperboard,you may feel bad during the ritual.

Don't trace each letter again after you write words once.
So,you may need two size pens of nib.

If you write the words wrong,
please wrap the paper board in a clean white paper and throw it away as a trash.

 Example 2.
I think Example 2 is difficult to make.
But this is just an example.
A cross means very sacred thing in Japan.
Secret Japanese top shrine,Izawa-no-miya's crest are cross and star of the david.

If you want to do the ritual in your own office,restaurant or property,
please write like these.↓
"The place/The memorial place for the spirits of the office room and the land"
"The place/The memorial place for the spirits of the restaurant and the land"
"The place/The memorial place for the spirits of the building and the land"and so on.

There are suffering evil spirits every where.
To avoid an extra impact from evil spirits,you need the floor care everywhere.

Perfect stable position is needed.
If you do the ritual with unstable paper board,you will feel bad.
Please check the stable position again and again.
Sometimes,paper board may bend slightly because of indoor humidity.
It is no problem.
You can replace it if you worry about it.
Please wrap the former paperboard in white paper and throw it away.
But don't touch the used paperboard with your bare hands.
Please hold it with clean paper,tissue or kitchen paper.
This is also a basic rule both in Butsudan and the floor care.
Some Japanese people use groves when they need to touch a used paper board.

Incense sticks.(Long type is ideal but it is a little bit expensive)
You can use one box of incense both in Butsudan and floor care.
I mean you don't have to buy two boxes.

(Middle long sticks $7~$9 at Japanese book store or super market / 200-300 sticks / about 13-15cm / Burn time about 30min)
 (Long type sticks $5-$7 at Japanese book store or super market / 20-30 sticks / about 24.5cm / Burn time about 60min)

There are so many scents of incense.
Any scent is OK if you like it.
Long type incense is ideal and very effective both in Butsudan and floor care.
But long sticks are expensive.
You don't have to buy 
I usually use long incenses in OBON season for ancestors,or a special day
(Example of special day in Butsudan / Ancestor worship = New year day,Spring vernal equinox,Summer solstice,Autumn vernal equinox,Winter solstice as the revival of the Sun,New year's Eve,The beginning of the month and so on)
(Example of special day in floor care = The first day or all 7 days)

Japanese incense is ideal because it has no core.
Indian incense is not expensive but it almost have core.
You may feel strong burn smell because of the core.
Don't buy smoke-less type like this.
けむりの少ない(kemuri no sukunai)  =  Smoke less type = Meaningless both in Butsudan and the floor care.

"Ka-fuh" series is smoke less too.
This series have wonderful scents for hobby but not for Butsudan or the floor care.
Please buy other incenses.
けむりかすか(kemuri kasuka)  = Smoke less = Meaningless both in Butsudan and the floor care

The amount of smoke is high meaningful both in Butsudan and floor care.
(The second priority is the length)
But you can use smoke-less type if you bought it by mistake.
Please buy an appropriate incense next time.

You need an ash powder or baking soda to erect incenses.
Don't use salt or other powders because spirits can't approach the paper board.
This is an ash for ancestor worship or floor care.
But you don't have to buy the exclusive Japanese ash powder.
Baking soda is enough to use both in Butsudan and the floor care.
Japanese white ash powder.

You need one plain white pottery bowl and one under plate that prevents a fire accident.
Sometimes,please remove incense wastes in the bowl before you do the ritual.
Because tiny incense wastes may begin to burn in the bowl.
You don't have to remove fallen ash from burned incenses.
But be careful about fire accident.
I always use disposable chopsticks to remove incense wastes in the bowl.

My white bowl is a little bit big...but it is no problem.
Don't use animal printed bowl and plate because evil spirits scary.
Plain plates are good.
Fill the bowl with baking soda or Japanese white ash.
You need enough amount of it for stable erection of incenses.
Please erect one incense into the bowl before you do the ritual as a trial.
Can you see a straight erected incense?

Practice for the 7 days ritual(One ritual a day)
If you can't do the one week ritual continuously,it is no problem.
It is just the most ideal way of the floor ritual.
In my case,I did the ritual for only 5 days in first.
The first 7 days mean an enough term to heal suffering fixed evil spirits in your house,land or floor.
Sometimes,please continue the ritual if you can.
I do it almost every day.
Because 3rd sticks heals other places where you know.
I mean this ritual is not only for your place.

Please refer to the following examples.
First of all,please clean your home's floor.
As you know,cleaning floor has purification power temporarily.
Then,put floor care set on the floor in your house.
Kitchen and bathroom places are top priority to do.
Suffering spirits are always wanting water and they stay around there.
But they can't drink of course.
They just approach wet area with thirsty.
So,wet area is needed to be cleaned in various ways.
(Especially,bathroom is important)
Next priority is a hallway/corridor if your house have it.

But there are so many style of houses or rooms.
Apartment rented room / Studio,One bedroom,Two bedroom...
Own house / Basement,One-story,Two-story...
It is described below in detail.

How to decide the place for 7days floor care
(Butsudan table is fixed in the appropriate place everyday.But the floor care is not fixed)
(You can arrange my examples as you like)
(You can increase days if you feel need more ritual)
(Please start where you feel cold or wet)
(Avoid midnight time. Ideal time:Morning,Afternoon, until 12am)
If your bathroom is too small to put the set,
please put it in front of the bathroom.
You can put the set into a bathtub or shower place,
but please wipe wetness before you do.

Examples for Apartment studio resident
(Day1,2 Bathroom, Day3,4 Kitchen, Day5,-7 Middle place of your room) 
(Day1-3 Bathroom,Day4-6 Kitchen,Day7 Middle place of your room)
(Day1-7 Middle place of your room)

Examples for Apartment One bedroom
(Day1,2 Bathroom, Day3,4 Kitchen, Day5,6 Dining room, Day7 Bed room)
(Day1,2 Bathroom, Day3,4 Kitchen, Day5 Hallway,Corridor, Day6 Dining room,
Day7 Bedroom)

Examples for Apartment Two bedroom 
(Day1 Bathroom, Day2 Second bathroom, Day3,4 Kitchen Day5 Dining room Day6,7 Bedroom)
(Day1 Bathroom, Day2 Second bathroom, Day3,4 Kitchen, Day5 Hallway,Corridor, Day6 Dining room, Day7,Bedroom)

Examples for own one story house with basement room
(Day1,2 Laundry room in the basement, Day2,3 Ground floor's bathroom, Day4,5 Ground floor's kitchen, Day6,7 Hallway,Corridor)
(Day1-3 Basement room, Day4 Ground floor's bathroom, Day5 Ground floor's kitchen,
Day6 Dining room, Day7 Kid's room)
↑Without main bedroom? No problem.Each floor of the same story is connected.
If you worried about main bedroom,you can do later anytime.

Examples for own two story house with No basement 
(Day1 Bathroom of the first floor,Day2 Kitchen of the first floor, Day3 Dining room of the first floor,Day4 Bathroom of the second floor,Day5,6 Bedrooms of the second floor, Day7 
(Day1,2 Bathroom of the first floor, Day2,3 Kitchen of the first floor, Day4 Dining room of the first floor, Day5 Bathroom of the second floor, Day6 Kid's room, Day7 Parent's room)
(Day1 Bathroom of the first floor, Day2 Kitchen of the first floor, Day3 Hallway of of the first floor, Day4 Bathroomof the second floor, Day5 Parent's room, Day6 Kid's room, Day7 Hallway,Corridor)

Important Rule: Lower floor (first) → Upper floor (next)
Please keep the set apart from refrigerator or foods.(at least 1 meter)
Don't do it in the middle of stairway.(Flat floor only)
House inside ritual only. Don't do it in your garden.
You don't have to think about countless outdoor poor spirits.
Because it is too much to help.(Dangerous)

If you want to do both Butsudan ritual and floor care in the same time,
please let them apart in the different room.
I mean don't let two different smoke mix.
In addition,you have to put them set apart at least 3 meter long.

Please put the set items in the middle point of the space as much as possible.
Poor evil spirits have received heavy gravity and they are difficult to reach the paper board.
Actually,they crawl to take incense smoke power with a struggle.
So,we have to put the set in the middle for their fairness at each position.

Outdoor shoes bring some bad air into your house from outside.
Suffering spirits always try to seize our ankle to beg us for help.
If you have outdoor shoes in your house,
please spread a clean kitchen paper or white paper beneath the floor care set.
(Of course you have to clean the area before the ritual)
In Japan,no one put outdoor shoes in house.
Japanese entrance is good because it is little lower than main floor.
It prevents invasion of bad air from outside.

In the past time,Japanese entrance used to be lower than current one.
Old type entrance was called Doma.(Photos)
(Rough image of Japanese old house)
Wet area was totally divided from living space.
This was very nice.

Let's talk about the ritual again.
How about complicated shared house?
In case of you are a house owner and there are tenants in your house.
Please start the floor ritual on your floor.(2nd floor)
If the tenant ended their lease term,you do the ritual for a next tenants.

How to pray(Be careful about fire)
(Avoid midnight time. Ideal time:Morning,Afternoon, Night until 12am)
Open windows if you need.
I always open all of windows instead of a kitchen fun.
It is OK if you want to turn on a kitchen fun,
but incense smoke may not be able to approach paperboard.
Some Japanese people turn on a kitchen fun just after the ritual.

Prepare some incense sticks.
In Butsudan,you must use 3 sticks per a ritual,but you can use more or less sticks in floor care.
But 3 sticks are basic way to both ritual.
Butsudan:3 sticks ONLY / Floor care:1,3,or more sticks.
I usually use 3 sticks per a ritual in the floor care but sometimes 5 or more sticks when I want to do.
You can broken incenses in the floor ritual.
Different length of sticks are no problem in the floor ritual.
But don't use broken incenses in Butsudan(Ancestor care).
You can Butsudan ritual twice a day,but the floor care is once a day.

Please set fire to sticks by lighter. Don't use candle's fire.
Move incenses a little. Up to down.
Don't blow out a flame with your breath.
Let's erect them into a bowl.
Keep kids and pets away from the burning ritual.
You can use the room during the ritual,
but do not approach the set more than necessary.

Please leave the set about 1 hour after the burn time.
Don't touch them.
I mean you have to wait about 1 hour and a half.
It depends on length of incenses.
(Burn time 30-60min plus 1 hour lest time)
(Spirits still stay in the place after the burn time)
Don't go out somewhere during the burn time and just after the burn time.
Confirmation of the fire extinguishing is needed.

About after the floor ritual
You have to leave the set about 1 hour where you did the ritual.
After that you can put the set in the same place or
you can keep the set in the lower space like a shoes box,
I always keep the set in lower empty closet.
Don't keep them in a dirty place or outside.
You can also separate paper holder and paperboard to keep them in a small space.
You need a respectable attitude toward spirits even if they were bad.
They had been suffered so many years.
You don't have to punish them because you are not a judgement.

By the way,spirits can go to the another world at last by your ritual,
and then they will be judged about what they did to human while they were evil spirits.
I mean they have to take punishment about what they did both in lifetime and after lifetime.
So,I said they are always poor.

You can use your used floor care set if you move to new house.

I am going to add an extra information about the floor care with red letters.
So,please check it out sometimes.

There is a important secret in this floor care ritual.
1st and 2nd sticks are for spirits in your house and land.
And when you dedicate 3 sticks like this,
the 3rd stick in the front side will affect to other places where you wish.

For example,I always imagine my parent's house,my husband's office,
or relative's houses.
So,you don't let other people do this floor ritual.
Your sacred act will heal all places you know.

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