Izuro Street Festival
Friday, July 14, 2017
It's specifically dedicated to the shrine around the corner, but the idea is mainly to sell yakisoba, chicken skewers, shaved ice and beer to pedestrians, and provide a little live entertainment.
Most of the entertainment is provided by amateurs. But, they do try hard.
The audience liked participating with the dancer, who performed to a standard Japanese folk song.
There was a traditional stick dance, too. But I didn't get the chance to record it. Overall, this festival went by way too quickly. But, I did manage to drink some beer there, so that part was good.
Next up, Rokugatsu-tou, at Terukuni Shrine. Last year, it was on the 15th and 16th. I'm not sure if that means it will be Saturday and Sunday this year, or Friday and Saturday. I'm betting it'll be Saturday and Sunday.