Q and A / Effective memorial ritual for your ancestors / Truth

I am going to add likely Question about ancestor ritual
in this page's top.
Please visit this page again and again.

Q: Can I display my dead mother's photo on the table or my room?
No.Please don't do that.
Dead people's spirits need to leave this material world of the Earth.
Photo,the shape of "past" face,can be a burden for them.

Q: I am not Japanese and my ancestors were Christians.
Is the ritual good for them?
Yes,the ritual is for all people.
Not only for Japanese.

Q: Is this a Buddhism ritual? 
Ancestor worship is a part of Shinto(=Nature worship).
In ancient time,Taoism was added in Ancient Shinto.
Because Incense power is effective to purify everything.
Many people even Japanese misinterpret ancestor worship as Zen Buddhism.
Power stream from Universe - Sun - Nature(Earth) - Ancestors - You 
Nature and your ancestors are not separated
Shinto is worship for your roots.
Your direct root/source is Parents,Ancestors,Nature...and so on.
All things gave you foods and chances.

Q: I am not Shinto believer but I want to try the ritual for my ancestors.
It is very good.They are really waiting for your true solution.
You don't have to believe Shinto but 
Shinto includes every traditional religions.
Please refer to posts about Grand shrine of ISE.

Q: What are the effects for my ancestors and descendants?
For ancestors,the ritual means a shower of golden mercy.
Because they can't change own situations.
Relieved ancestors by your ritual can protect you as return.
(But basically,your ritual is not for taking return from ancestors.
We just dedicate thank to them)

For descendants,
The ritual is kind of strong solution of your DNA.
The ritual cut bad repetitions in your family line.
(Bad destiny,habits,thinking,diseases and accidents may be reduced
or totally changed)
Anyway,correct ritual for ancestors changes everything.
You don't have to think about it too much
because you will know the importance when you die.
When you are die,many ancestors come to pick up you 
Then,you will watch your whole life video with them.
The number of ancestors who pick up you depends on what you did in the material world.
If you are good person,many ancestors will pick up you.

Q: All ancestors visit my sacred table at once?
No.One ritual one person's visit.(Approximately)
It takes long time to heal a poor person.(3 days to 2 weeks)
In another world,there are so many levels of conscience.
Dead people's spirits are strictly classified to each level.
Happy level's ancestors are always playing like a child.
Low conscience level dwellers are not comfortable.
Because there are many same unkind people.
The situation and feeling is totally fixed and
there is no chance to change the situation.
People just wait next life.
So,correct ancestor ritual is the only one solution for them.
Your ritual for ancestors lift them up to higher levels
and hasten their reborn.
There is a leader in your ancestors who is in a relaxed atmosphere,
and he or she conducts waiting poor ancestors.
He or she gives priority to suffering,sad and poor ancestors to visit your table.
So,you don't have to think about specific ancestor when you do the ritual.

Especially,if you have suicide person in close relatives,
I highly recommend the ritual.
Suicide people's spirits never go to heaven.
They are in frozen cold or fire hot world.
But only your ritual can change their situation.

Q: Is the ritual for only my ancestors?
I have miscarried/aborted fetus.
In the ritual,you use 3 incense stick a ritual.
First and second incense sticks are for your direct ancestors.(Same family name holders)
But the third incense is for "all your concerned".
Dead children and fetus,friend,relatives and so on.
 All your concerned includes person you don't know well.
For example,your dad's dead friend you don't know may visit your table to take mercy shower because
his family doesn't perform right ritual for dead people.
But person completely unrelated can't visit your table.

Q: I am using my husband's family/last name.
But I want to heal my former name's ancestors.
To tell the truth,you are protected by husband's ancestors
while you use the name.
So you need to cherish your husband's ancestors as priority.
Please write your CURRENT last name on the paper board.
Your original ancestors and relatives are healed by third incense stick.
Don't worry.

Q: I am living with my boyfriend and we are going to get married.
Can I write future husband's last name on the paper board?
Yes,you can.
But if you are still living with your parent,
use current last name.

Q: I can't find the paper board.
Or visit Japanese book store and general store.

Q: I can't find wooden holder for a paper board.
I bought this in Japan.
I think you can't buy this in other countries.
So please make similar thing by your self.

Q: Can I do the ritual without holder for paper?
No.Paper board must stand upright with holder.
Standing upright = Human's standard,good form

Q: I feel bad during the ritual.
Don't worry about it.It will be better soon at least within a few months.
If you feel the ritual is scary,don't do it for a while.
But please confirm about how to do the ritual again.
Some people make a mistake and feel sick by bad manner.

Q: My family doesn't want me to do the ritual.
(Because of religious or incense smoke problem)
What should I do?
Do not perform the ritual if your family deny it.
(Your family means your Wife,Husband,Parent who are living with you now)
Please just dedicate thank for your ancestors in your mind.
It is also effective.
If only your children deny the ritual,you can the ritual secretly when they are not home.
You can hide ritual items 1 hour after the ritual.
Leave the table just after the ritual for 1 hour then you can hide items.
(Burning time of incense about 30min,Leave the table without touching 1 hour)
If you live alone,you don't have to ask family about permission to do the ritual.
You can hide ritual items when your family visit your house.

Q: How many times do I have the ritual a day?
Only one or twice a day.Do not do the ritual more.
Because you need to concentrate on one or two rituals.
If you do twice a day,you should leave at least 3 hours between first and second ritual.
By the way,do not do the ritual dusk time because sunset time zone is 
Night time is no problem but morning is the best.
I can have the ritual twice a day because I am a housewife.
(My Example Around 7 am & 13 pm = twice a day)

Q: I can't do the ritual every day.Is it not good?
No.Please have the ritual only when you are not busy.
Only weekend rituals OK.
Only one time a month is OK.
Anyway,don't forget about your ancestors.
They all had finished a hard life more than you think.
Our society is very convenient thanks to ancestor's efforts.

Q: Can I go outside during ritual?
No.To avoid fire accidents,stay in your house.
Fired incense stick may fall down because of house vibration,wind,or earthquake.
You don't have to stay just in front of the ritual table.
But please check incense's fire after ritual 30 min later.
I always touch the ash bowl's surface and confirm its temperature after ritual.
(Don't touch ash.Touch ash bowl only)
So,you can't do the ritual when you are busy or no time to confirm fire.

Q: Can I use incense cones not sticks?
No.Sticks only.
It is because stick means a pillar.
Super ancient time,there was a pillar worship.

Q: What kind of table is available?
Table's situation will show your situation and future.
Sturdy,clean and simple wooden table and not nailed table is most ideal.
Height = about 12inch/30cm
Not too lower and higher.Because ancestor's spirits are easy to visit your table.
(Do not put your paperboard on the floor.It is ritual for poor ghosts)
Number of desk legs must be 4 or 8.
Never use folding type and caster type tables.
(I think screw is better than nail)
White or natural color is good.
If you already have good table,you can use it after cleaning.
I am going to buy most ideal table when I back to Japan someday.
Hassokudai table Amazon JP

Q: Where should I put the table in my house?
Calm and clean place as much as possible.
Please put it place facing a wall not facing windows.
(Good direction is north or east side of wall.North-East is the best)
Terrace and garden is not available.
Inside of house only.

Q: One table per a house?
Almost no rule in this matter.
It depends on you and your family's style
and family name.
Japanese basic style is one table in each household,
and mom/wife does the ritual for family as a representative.
Sometimes,husband and children join the ritual.
Everyone can has personal table in a same house.(Rare)

Let's say there are 4 "adult" people in your family.
(Caution! Children never do the ritual alone because fire is dangerous)

1,One common table for all.
2,Wife and husband have one common one table,daughter and son own personal table in each room.
3,Everyone has own table.
Choose whichever your family like.

In case wife and husband use different family name,
please write "husband's family name" on the paper board.
Don't worry,wife's ancestors are healed by the third incense stick.

Q: Why Japanese mom/wife does the ritual?
Women are better than man?
A main person who clean house and cook foods for family is important in each home.
Because both cleaning and cooking are basic-sacred-rituals for human life.

Q: I don't like my parents or grand parents.
So I can't love my ancestors too.Do I need to do the ritual?
There are three important things to tell you.
1,Your all ancestors had harder life than current people.(You need an imagination)
2,Your body is rental material from all your ancestors including your parents.(Given body to achieve your aim in the world)
3,Countless family lines ruined already but yours still living.(Lucky)
You don't have to do ancestor ritual but
please don't forget about above three things.

Q: I know about dead grandmother,but I don't know about other ancestors.
This ritual is not for specified dead person.For whole ancestors of you.
You have countless ancestors you don't know.

Q: I don't have a child.
In the future, I need someone who do the memorial ritual for me.
Don't worry about it.
If you do the ritual for ancestors and concerned people,
you will take the value after you die.
So many people you saved will pick you up to very good place in another world.
Don't worry.

Q: I think there are many same last name holders in the world.
Any problems to use the common name on the paper board?
There is absolutely no problem.
Your life has been influenced by only your last name's sound wave.
Even if there are same name holders.
Your last name's sound includes all your ancestor's information.

Q: I think my oldest ancestors didn't use my current last/family/surname.
Can the ritual heal my oldest ancestors?
Yes,it can.Don't worry.
You use current family name as hint for your all of ancestors.
Your ritual heals a lot of people in another world.
For people in the world,you looks like brilliant person who gives
true and effective mercy mind to change their status of level in the another world.
By the way,we all have same two ancestors.
Izanagi and Izanami = Adam and Eve

Q: I am interested in only Kamidana for now.
I would like to have only Kamidana table so far.
It is no problem.Start Kamidana first.
Many people think so.Because Kamidana concept is easy to understand.
Also,the rules for Kamidana is not so strict.
Ancestor ritual needs strict rules to protect you from suffering waves of sad ancestors.
However,don't forget about nature worship and ancestor worship are not divided.

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