Draw-your-own fox charms are one of the highlights of Kyoto’s famous Fushimi Inari Shrine
Go for the history and culture. Stay for the silly artwork.
With no shortage of historical and culturally significant sites, Japan’s former capital of Kyoto has, in recent years, drawn in over 8.7 million visitors annually. One of the most popular destinations in the city, which itself brings in approximately 2.7 million visitors a year, is the Fushimi Inari Shrine.
Fushimi Inari Shrine is best known for its distinctive bright red torii shrine gates, many thousands of which line the hiking trails that lead from the main shrine at the base of the mountain and snake their way up to the top. However, since foxes were said to be the messengers of the god Inari, another thing you’ll notice is the presence of foxes throughout the grounds of the shrine, from the statues at the shrine entrance, to the ema wish boards shaped like a fox’ head.
Most shrines in Japan sell the wooden ema plaques for around 500 yen (US$4.50). One side generally features an illustrated image and the backside is left blank so a wish can be written on it. Most of the time they will be rectangular-ish in shape, but the ema at Fushimi Inari are triangular, and are painted white with little ears to resemble a fox’s head. The face is left blank, allowing for the wish-maker to also draw on a fox face of their own. Or, any other face that suits them, really.
伏見稲荷の絵馬はおもしろいから伏見稲荷行ったら是非とも絵馬を見て欲しい https://t.co/nKLcVObvKP
てんとう (@416mri) March 14, 2017
After writing down your wish, ema are then left hanging at the shrine for the gods to come receive them. At Fushimi Inari, though, we’re pretty sure the gods also come to chuckle at all of the silly and creative faces that people draw on them.
▼ Friezox? Foxza?
伏見稲荷大社に来ております 白狐絵馬奉納して来ました( ˇωˇ ) https://t.co/ZkXLAzk5Dz
キサラギ=オミ (@omi_kisaragi) June 07, 2017
京都伏見稲荷神社の絵馬をジョジョの奇妙な冒険の3部に出てくるスタープラチナにしたの誰だよ(笑) #ファインダー越しの私の世界 #写真撮ってる人と繋がりたい #写真好きな人と繋がりたい https://t.co/IXsj9eSL8L
ゆうすけ (@usk19861002) February 22, 2017
伏見稲荷大社のキツネ型絵馬は見てるだけで楽しい^^ 今日も良い一日を。 #神社好き #神社仏閣 #神社巡り #神社参拝 #パワースポット #伏見稲荷大社 https://t.co/o3J8bfbkqY
ハトピー 神社大好き (@hatop_jinja) August 01, 2017
When the fox is your canvas, it’s easy to let the imagination run wild.
伏見稲荷大社の面白絵馬www そして旧城プロ勢因縁の稲荷山ww 雨で途中までしか行かなかったけど今度は全部登りたい(*^-^*) https://t.co/m8n7ddPPTw
みさ☆3622SGV11GC連覇 (@x_x_misa_x_x) May 14, 2017
▼ There is no shortage of genuinely impressive artistry either.
伏見稲荷でやけに上手い白狐絵馬見つけたのでおもわずカシャー https://t.co/6JobxtZfA2
マルチ (@8284ice) March 17, 2017
京都伏見稲荷大社 ⛩ 無数に並ぶ鳥居が、圧巻の神社😳 日差しが鳥居の間から差し込んどってめっちゃ綺麗やったなぁ。 狐の顔型の絵馬も可愛い^_^ https://t.co/V8oYyUQuWi
ちい (@s_n_y_n) May 25, 2017
Fushimi Inari Shrine has seen a surge in popularity with foreign visitors in recent years, and with its impressive torii display contrasted by the surrounding natural beauty it’s easy to see why. If you take a trip there yourself, be sure to leave your mark with a funny fox face of your own!
Featured image: Twitter/@416mri