Mixed Roots Film And Literary Festival This Weekend!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Aloha Hip Hapa Homeez!
If you're in L.A. this Friday and/or Saturday, stop by the Mixed Roots Film And Literary Festival at the Japanese American National Museum in Little Tokyo. Your Hip Hapa will be moderating a panel discussion about Mixed-Race Relationships. Who are we mixies attracted to? Who do we date? Who do we fall in love with? Who do we live with? Marry? Have babies with? Do we prefer other mixies or monoracial partners? And, if we have a preference for monoracial partners, do we choose our mother's or father's ethnic group? Come and find out from my distinguished panel featuring author Sam Cacas, music and film dynamo Ann Carli, and the lovely Sachiko Jackson. If you need more info, google the Mixed Chicks or the Mixed Roots website to get a schedule. The event is free, but registration is required.
Just a quick shout-out to Brian Parker for sending me the link 'Dating 101' about interracial romance. Now, let's take it a step farther and ask, 'What about dating when you're the product of an interracial pairing?'
And if you're New York, check out the Big Girls Club (Happy Dance Dance Princess Show) in celebration of Loving Day on June 12 at 8 pm.
Above is a photo of me with my sister's kid, Shinzo, at about 10 months. His Japanese and black mother's choice of a partner? African American.
Happy Loving Day and until next week, I will always be...
Your Hip Hapa,