Memories of ex lover....

I suppose to upload more of the nice food that I eat recently. But instead I feel want to write this first...

It all start when a friend of mine put at her facebook status, she asking for advice on what to do. Because she just find her bf is still keeping photo of his ex girlfriend.

I think this is really a common problem for most lover now. Unless you lover now is your lucky first love. But to most people, they will be dating 2-3 times or maybe more in their life before getting married. So for each lover they have, at that time, that moment, they really love the lover. Thus the will do lots of romantic things. And these thing will be the memory for them. However when the relationship ends, should they just throw away all these memory?

For me, the answer is no. We learn from history, learn from mistake. For example, the current lover may love me because I am romantic and caring lover. However my first girlfriend maybe broke up with me because I am not romantic enough. Thus I learn to be more romantic. The 2nd lover maybe broke up with me because I am not a caring lover. Thus I learn to be more caring after broke up with her. Because of my experience with these past lover, I learn to be a better person and therefore my current girlfriend love me.

Another possible situation is you suddenly find out that your lover has been to Paris with ex. So what will you do, scold him for going to Paris without her? Logically, you did not meet him yet that time. So how can it be possible he go with you. Or perhaps you just can't imagine what he can possibly do with his ex at Paris. All the thing that you hope you can do such as go up the Eiffel Tower. And he has done it but with his ex. Feel unhappy and want him to do again with you? Even if he do this with you, you still can't destroy the fact that he has gone Paris before. Ask him to burn all the photo for Paris? That still the same because memory can be in the heart.

And if you remember correctly, when you start the relationship with him, you probably already ask him you are his girlfriend number what. And you choose to accept this with open heart. At that moment you should know that he has memory of him and his ex. If you can't accept, you should just say no before you start the relationship.

My advise for anyone that is facing the problem now, remember now is what that is most important. Just make sure that now the one he love the most is you and not the ex lover, then forgive and forget all the rest.

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