Author Interview- Renee Hand
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Hello everyone, we are already on our second author interview! That is really amazing. This time, I am interviewing author Renee Hand.
Renee Hand writes because it is a passion in her heart. She is a homeschool parent and likes to create books that educate and inspire the children of today. She was born in Michigan and still lives there with her husband and two children. She has a degree in Zoology with a minor in Chemistry. Renee is the author of the amazing mystery series known as the Crypto-Capers Series that encourages children to read by incorporating several topics of interest. The reader participates into the story by solving cryptograms and puzzles to solve the case. She is also the author of the Joe-Joe Nut and Biscuit Bill Series, which focuses on animal detectives. This series is a great way to teach children about animals in a fun and interesting way that captures the reader's attention and yet fills them with knowledge they will be learning about in school. All books are great to use in a classroom setting to supplement various topics or to just enjoy. Renee is an award-winning author, receiving awards such as a Best Book Award, a National Literary Award and a Preferred Choice award for her children's series and adult books. She has just recently won a Seal of Excellence award in Storytelling for her Joe-Joe Nut and Biscuit Bill Series. She has been writing for over twenty years and when she is not spending time with her family or participating in author events, she is coaching and playing tennis, as well as doing research for her books and many other things that keep her busy. Not quite sure what a cryptogram is and want to learn more? Visit the author's website at to learn about cryptograms and how to solve the ones that are in the books.
Here is the interview-
Favorite author-Gaston Leroux
Favorite book- Mystery of the Yellow Room
Zodiac sign- Virgo
Your motto-Keep moving forward
City of your dreams-Rome
Here are the more serious ones-
1. Is the life of a writer what you imagined it to be?
Ans.Yes, and no. When I first became an author 5 years ago I thought that as soon as your book was in print that you automatically sold thousands of them. That is certainly not true. You sell thousands of them if you work your butt off, which I have throughout the years. Books don't sell themselves, thats the honest truth. It has always been a lot of hard work but I love being an author and I love talking with children about my books. It's lots of fun.
2. What genre do you write and why?
Ans. Children's. I write in this genre because I think it makes the greatest impact on children. I write mysteries and I want them to, not just be entertained, but think about what is going on and learn something about it. I am all about education.
3. Out of comedy, romance and sci-fi/fantasy, which genre are you most likely to read? (Closest to your tastes)
Ans.Suspense Romance
4. Have you ever suffered from the dreaded writer's block? How did you deal with it?
Ans. Sure, at one time or another. I deal with it by taking breaks from my work and doing other things. I like to also do research. Eventually it works itself out.
6. What kind of characters/settings do you like the most?
Ans.I like characters who are strong, not physically, but emotionally strong. I want them to be hardworking, determined, yet caring.
7. What message would you like to give your fans?
Ans. What you will find in all of my mystery books is suspense and adventure, you will also be challenged. My books are interactive and fun. They challenge the reader into thinking about what is going on and to encourage them to ask why things happen. In that you will find the truth. They are also science and history based, and the settings are real places, which enhance the experience.
To know more about her and her wonderful books, visit-