Sunday, October 30, 2011
Whenever people talk about Scorpio horoscope, they will always emphasis on a few point
While I do have good memory of people that is bad to me, I tend to forgive them over their mistake most of the time. Exception is some special case that do not deserve my pardon. But even to those special case, I never plot for any revenge. I rather believe karma will punish them.
Scorpio people like to be mysterious? well I kind of disagree this as I feel I want my friend to understand me more rather then stay mysterious to them. But I guess I am mysterious to them as most do not seems understand why I can spend so many $$$ for food. And why I can go to Bangkok on September when I just got fired from my job....
Even some friends that is close to me fail to understand me lots of time. Did I become mysterious without me noticing?
Scorpio like to control, for this I agree on some case I am a person like this. I want to control a lot of thing and when I can't do it I kind of feel anger and frustrated.
As for the saying that Scorpio is a passionate lover, I agree on this. because for love a lot of thing I can give up. And can still love a person even after 10 years or more....
Anyway, the main point is today is 31st October. It means that 15 November is coming. And this year the birthday celebration will be at Phuket. Although I will come back a day before 15 November. But I still look forward for this trip. (^___^)
- People born under Scorpio sign is resentful. They will remember who is bad to them and will plot for a vengeance.
- Scorpio people is mysterious. Many people cannot read the mind of Scorpio or understand what they are doing.
- Scorpio people like to control. Control on the situation or environment.
- Scorpio lover is passionate. They are always the people that will be sacrificing for the love one and get hurt in the process.
Even some friends that is close to me fail to understand me lots of time. Did I become mysterious without me noticing?
Scorpio like to control, for this I agree on some case I am a person like this. I want to control a lot of thing and when I can't do it I kind of feel anger and frustrated.
Anyway, the main point is today is 31st October. It means that 15 November is coming. And this year the birthday celebration will be at Phuket. Although I will come back a day before 15 November. But I still look forward for this trip. (^___^)