You're beautiful (Korean , Drama)

More funfilled and witty than Heart strings, but yet not as touching the heart type as heartstrings. Yet worth to watch, and contains awesome music as Heartstrings does. And coz the leads of Heartstrings are in this too, if you like Heartstrings you should catch this drama too, (although if you are a fan of Shin in Heartstrings, you will be really sad for him in you're beautiful).

Technical details : The drama is of 16 episodes and each episode is about 1 hr long. And is available in torrent download.

Characters :

Go Mi-nyu (Gemma/Go Mi-nam(female)) : Mi-nyu is a simple innocent girl who grew up in the orphanage of a convent along with her twin brother, Go Mi-nam. Growing up in the convent made her want to join nunnery and hence she is now a nun in training with the nun name 'Gemma' under her beloved mother superior whom she consider similar to her own mother. That is when she is asked to act as her brother for a month by the manager, as Go Mi-nam got in to the country's most famous band A.N.Jell but he get's in to mishap and has to go to America for surgery.

Go Mi-nam (male) : Go Mi-nyu's twin brother. Mi-nam and Mi-nyu looks exactly alike, and even their voice are similar. Although he appear in the drama only for a short time, he makes his presence known. Min-nam unlike Mi-nyu is quiet charming, and have a charismatic personality. He wanted to be singer from childhood, and do get in to the country's best band A.N.Jell.

Hwang Tae-hyun : The leader of the band A.N.Jell. He is quiet of an 'angry young man' type personality. Have a lot of attitude, and pride. He have a lot of specifications like, cleanliness and proper happenings. He is strict and likes to remain in his own space, and behave superior to others.On top of that he also has various allergies like allergy to shrimp, pollen etc. And he also have night blindness. Even though with all this, he is most proud creature, and doesn't like his things to be touched by others or to be moved even slightly. So when Go Mi-nyu arrives in his life with her clumsiness, he is irritated and angry. Soon he comes to know about Go Mi-nam's secret...

Kang Shin-woo : The base guitarist of A.N.Jell. Shin-woo could be named as another name for sweet and kind. Some how his character is treated too cruelly till the end by who ever wrote the story of this Drama. (I don't know if i feel that way just coz Jung Young-hwa plays Shin-woo. But even if he was not...i'd probably have said it's a bit cruel...) Shin-woo comes to know about Go Mi-nam being a girl, on the first day it self. But instead of even letting her know that he know her truth, he starts helping her form than on. Slowly falling in love with her...Never even uttering a word, or letting her know that he know the fact that she is a girl, and that he loves her... Shin-woo becomes an invisible hand who always helps her, and tries his best to not let her cover be blown. But in vain...till the end...

Jermy : The drummer of A.N.Jell. A cute, playful, and easy going boy who loves to celebrate on anything and everything. He is a bit innocently and cutely stupid also. He is the one who never figure out Go Mi-nam's secret, and knows only at last when she decide to tell. But even when he doesn't know that she is a girl, he is caught between his feelings for that person, and that fact in his mind that it's a boy. But he can't falling in love with Go Mi-nam, even if he thinks she is a boy. And in this confused mind state, he tries to avoid Mi-nam as much as possible and his only comfort is his pet dog Julie whom he loves so much.

Yoo Hae-yee : A popular Film actress of the country, and considered as 'national fairy' due to her soft and caring public image, who goes and visits ill children and cry for them and all. But in real Hae-yee is not as good as she makes other see. And her accidental encounter with Hwang Tae-hyun makes him see her real face, and he calls her 'devil fairy' and their fight starts. But even in the fights, when once Hwang Tae-hyun saves her in a situation, she falls for him, but Go Mi-nyu's closeness (she know the secret that she is a girl) with him is disliked by her, and she tries to make the world hell for Mi-nyu.
According to me, she is the most lovable 'negative character' ever made. Even when she is doing evil, we can still understand her feelings and her helplessness.

Manager Ma : The manger of A.N.Jell band, and the one who request Mi-nyu to imitate her brother. He is an innocent and sweet man, with a bit stupidity. And he is always there for Mi-nyu while she is being Mi-nam. He is quiet fun in the drama and makes it too witty.

Coordinator Wang : She is the stylist for the band, and is Manger's friend. A smart and outgoing girl. And she knows the secret of Mi-nam. And often helps her.

Go Mi-ja : Mi-nam and Mi-nyu's aunt. The twin's dad died giving the twins to his sister. But she put them in an orphanage and forgot about then until she got the news that her nephew GoMi-nam has become a top singer in the best band in country. She comes seeking for Mi-nam. Even if she is a greedy woman, she is quiet a idiot and hence lovable and also humorous.

Mo Hwa-ra : Hwang Tae-hyun's birth mother. Also a famous singer. She don't want the world to know that she has a son, and never have been loving towards her son, and fears if anyone will find about her son. She is  selfish and thinks about her only. And she had left Tea-hyun as a baby, with his father, because she had fallen in love with someone else. And even though Tae-hyun loved her when he was a kid coz he didn't know better, he hates her now.

President Ahn : The president of A.N. group, who is the producer of A.N.Jell. Band. A happy natured guy who liked to put English in his sentence frequently. And the idea is to always hide the fact that Go Mi-nam is a girl from him and media and fans. And hence, he never finds out that Mi-nam is a girl.

Story Synopsis : 
It is when Mi-nyu works as a nun under training that Manager Ma, finds her and tells her that Mi-nam got in to A.N.Jell band. Mi-nyu innocently asks back what is A.N.Jell, coz she doesn't even know them. Manager Ma tells her how she has to imitate her brother for some time, and just go and sign the contract. She agrees, and goes with him, where she sees the three band members and thinks that they looks like the statues of the Saints 'Julian, Thomas and David' in their church. She is made to wear boys' clothes and she sign the contract. That is when Tae-hyun barges in and pulles her away to practice room saying he won't let in a member without checking his singing quality, and ask Mi-nam to sing. She sings 'Panis angelicus'  the church quire song, to which the three boys are speechless.
Now returning, Mi-nyu tells Manager that she will now got to Rome next week, and Manager says no... He tells her the truth that Mi-nam can't come back for a month since he is getting surgery in America. He begs for her to stay as Mi-nam for another month. She asks stay as Mi-nam means 'act as a boy and sing and dance with them?' manager nodds and says, 'also have to saty with them in their dormitory'. She says 'non sense' and goes away.
When Mi-nyu is going to Rome, in the Air-port she collides with Hwang Tae-hyun and she fleds at his sight. Her ticket drops from her hand and is picked up by Tae-hyun. Even when he tries to give back to the 'nun' he had seen, she doesn't stop and flees. And hence she miss her plane coz of lack of ticket. And then she sits and hears the songs on Tae-hyun's mp3 player which she had picked instead of her ticket. She remember how Manager Ma had said that Mi-nam want to be a famous singer so that their mother recognize him and come back. Mi-nam she Mi-nyu were teased in orphanage that their father dies and they don't even know if their mother is dead or alive, or anything about her.
Mi-nyu decides to help her bother and impose her brother for a month.
Like this she enters the band.
One the first day's club party itself, she gets drunk and makes trouble for the boys, and faints on Tae-hyun vomiting on his mouth. The clean freak Tae-hun faints on this mishap. And Jermy and Shin-woo has to take care of the fainted two. Jermy leaves with Tae-hyun, and Shin-woo is left with Go Mi-nam. When he accidentlly tilts her, he notices the girlish features, and she falls on him, hugging...his closeness makes Shin-woo realise that she is a girl. But he keeps this secret to himself. And starts helping her at each and every second from then, and takes care of her warmly and lovingly, and ask her to call him 'hyung' like Jermy does.
But when one day Tae-hyun finds that Mi-nam is a girl, he goes and gets angry at her and threatens to tell President Ahn. Then due to some events he decides being near her is utter dangerous and he decides that he shouldn't have any contact with her at all for his own safety. He tells her to deal with the problem on her own. But from that day he can't avoid taking care of her even if he doesn't like it one bit. And also Mi-nyu strat respecting him more than anyone and go around calling him 'hyungnim', and always depends on him for this and that.
That is when Yoo Hae-yee enters the story, and her fights starts with Tae-hyun.
Mi-nam and Mi-nyu's aunt comes seeking for Mi-nam and she comes to know that their mother is dead and can't be found. She cries a  lot, which Tea-hyun see, and he puts his hand around her and comforts her... Even Jermy soften down towards her after that. (Jermy thinks that Mi-nam is dangerous person who is making his two hyungs gay, and is always mean to her, fearing his sexuality, but yet always gets feelings for her).
Mi-nam's aunt comes to live with the band, and Mi-nam has to give her room to aunt and have to move to one of the boys' room, and she coses Tae-hyun because she think he will be the easiest since he knows that she is a girl. Among this time, she gets really close to Tae-hyun, and she slowly falls for him.
Yoo Hae-yee falls in love with Tae-hyun when he saves her from a bunch of fans. But he doesn't return her feelings. She find out that Mi-nam is a girl and threaten Tae-hyun that the media thinks that they are a couple because they were spotted together sometimes, and if he doesn't act that that is true, she will tell others that Mi-nam is a girl. Tea-hyun publicly kisses her fakely, and announces to media that they are a couple. The kiss is seen by Mi-nyu, and her hear breaks. Shin-woo takes care of her as usual as he always does, and tells her not to worry. He says that all the fans of Tae-hyun are crying and maybe she is just a fan as well, and that ist si not bad to love someone like Tae-hyun coz millions love him. She gets a bit ok on Shin-woo's words.
But on a trip to her village, Tae-hyun accompanies her and she can't control her feelings. She doesn't return with him, and never goes back. At last Shin-woo comes to pick her. She is expecting Tae-hyun and runs to see who it is and gets sad to see Shin-woo. Shin woo takes her back, where she had to sing her first album song. It is a sad song and she cries half way of the song and runs away. And Shin-woo follows her ,and she cries hugging him. Manager Ma tells Tae-hyun that maybe she feel in love with Shin-woo. All thinks that Mi-nyu loves Shin-woo. When Shin-woo exactly know that whom she loves. And as of Jermy, he doesn't know anything.
Manager ma tells Mi-nam to press her nose if shee feels she can't control her feelings towards the person she loves. She starts doing so in front of Tae-hyun, and he starts calling her 'pig-rabbit'. When the hair pin, Tae-hyun brought Mi-nam gets lost and Tae-hyun retrieves it, he makes a soft toy of a 'pig rabbit' and gives the hair pin clipped to it's ear to Mi-nam. And she gets really happy.
Along this time Mi-nam comes to know that Mo Hwa-ra is Tae-hyun's mother and that she left him for some other man.

About this time, Yoo Hae-yee interferes, and Mi-nam decides to reveal the truth, but before she could get to the media in girl clothes, the boys gets to her and makes her leave.Actually, Shin-woo, hugs her and covers her face, and tells the media that she is his girl-friend and he doesn't want to reveal her yet.
Manager Ma and Coordinator Wang is trying their best to play cupid for Mi-nam and Shin-woo, they even dress her in female clothes and make Shin-woo see. But that Tae-hyun also see and gets angry.

About that time...all the confusion clears and Tae-hyun comes to know whom Mi-nam likes and he and she gets together in a clumsy way. (Well, his pride won't let him confess will it..? Even if he loves her..So it becomes a clumsy a bit...)
A photo of Mi-nam in girl clothes is found by reporter Kim and then they have tell him that the girl Shin-woo is dating is Mi-nyu, Mi-nam's sister. And reporter shuts up.
Mi-nyu and Tae-hyun's relationship is going on cutely, when Shin-woo and Jermy is heartbroken.
But then it comes to know that whom Mo Hwa-ra loved and left Tae-hyun for was Mi-nam and Mi-nyu's father. Mi-nam and Tae-hyun's relationship brakes off at this truth...
And a reporter is getting doubt of Mi-nam and is trying to figure out the truth. but by the time, he tries to out her, Mi-nyu has left and real Mi-nam has returned, and when he tries to out him, it so happens that Mi-nam is indeed a guy.
Mi-nyu never returns.
But after about a year, situations makes it so that she imitates her brother for one single day when Tae-hyun recognises her by just holding her hand, and after a series of events, when things fall in to places and all, they get together.

My ratings of this Drama : 9/10 (Good. But doesn't touch soul.)

My Top 10 Korean Dramas

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