The last song (English)

The boy and girl relationship love is in there in this story, and that would be effective enough and lovely and all, but what touches you more in this story is the relationship of a daughter and and her father.
I read the book of the film first and liked it so much. I would say that maybe the book is better than the film. They have tamed the film a bit, so that it doesn't shock or make you cry so much.
But this is surely the most touching and filled with love story Nicolas Spark ever created.And I have no doubt about that.

Story Synopsis : Since her dad left her mother Ronnie had been a trouble for everyone. She hangs out with alcoholic arrogant people, and even gets caught by police shoplifting. That is when her mother decide to send her away to her father on her summer vacation along with her younger brother. But Ronnie hates her dad since he walked away on them, and she had been ignoring her dad's letters ever since. Since her dad was a pianist she was a wonderful piano player as a kid, but ever since her dad left she wouldn't play.
At her dad's home at his home town, which is a small village by sea, she tries to ignore him a lot and always will be at the beach and not in house, while her dad is trying to re-build a ornate glass window of the church which was destroyed by fire a year ago, which is supposed to be caused by his carelessness.
Ronnie get in to friendship with a girl called Blaze who hangs around with her boyfriend Marcus and his friend who are fire adventure show holders and a bunch of bad guys.
Ronnie also get to see Will, a very handsome boy, who immediately take interest in her. Ronnie initially ignores him, but eventually falls for him leading for a relationship that has many dangers like family money, status, and distance that would come after summer holidays...
And meanwhile, Ronnie and her dad are coming closer too...slowly...

The story is all about that Summer of Ronnie, how she rediscovers herself, figures out who is right who is wrong, who is wrong, who is trustworthy. She discovers love, feelings of family, and tears and pain. And how she loves her dad and loses him again.

A really really really sweet story. And as the tag line of this story says it will certainly 'lead you back home'...

My Ratings of this Movie :10/10 (But try to read the book too if you can. It's worth...) 

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