My first kiss (Thai)

A lovely and cute love story that tells us that love and feelings towards a person doesn't have to be bounded by age, in a most cute and lovable way. I really loved this film because if it's feel good nature, and a fresh view on love.

Story Synopsis : Sa never had a boyfriend. She had a crush on Ohm in high school. But Ohm went out with Pam, and they even decided to study abroad together and all. And after that Sa just never got interested in anyone, or perhaps she was just waiting for Ohm to come back. And recently Ohm re-enters her life. He even shows interest in her and they start dating.
That is when life turns unexpected. Sa always says 'love is like waiting for a bus. The one you expected may not be what you will be able to catch. And when what you expected will arrive, there will be a lot of rush ad competition to get on. The one you get might get in the end not be one you expected.'
Travelling in bus, Sa, and a high school boy, sitting next to her accidently brushes their lips together, making it their 'first kiss'. Sa fights with the boy for ruining her first kiss and comes home to find that her mobile is missing. When she calls on it, the boy answers. She arrives at his school to get her phone back, and the boy gets beaten by his teacher for stealing Sa's phone.
Like this Sa, and the boy - Bass, becomes acquaintance.
But it doesn't end there. Bass begins to follow around Sa and pester her. But then he also helsp her a lot too. He shows her that Ohm is still with Pam and is going to get married. Sa's heart is broken  but before she could even bother over it, Bass becomes her relief, as he even pretends to be a dashing older guy hitting on her in front of Sa's friends.
Bass soon proposes to Sa, and Sa has already fallen for him, and they become a couple. And even though Sa is 26 years old and Bass in just 18, their relationship is just like any other's .. They like to talk to each other on phone and hangout, and hold hands, and stuff.

But soon Sa's friends figure out that Bass is not their age but just 18. They lecture Sa a lot to think about her future. Sa is getting a bit confused about that, when Bass runs away from his home and stay at her home. Things are cute for them, but it's difficult too, when Sa think their differences like, how Bass is going to take care of her if he ran away from home, and he doesn't understand her work related things like 'last quarter deadline' and can't even help her by giving advice, while she doesn't understand the stuff like Integration and Differentiation he study in Math coz she never took Math in High school.
Some how even if they both love each other really, and are really happy when they are with each other, and they can't get a better partner...they can't be together coz of the age and all. All expects them to chose a better more apt partner.
Then Ohm comes back too...

Life is gets a bit tough for Sa and Bass...

But in the end things sort out in a lovely way. It's a happy end.

Another thing about this film is that it's rather humorous and light hearted. Yet too loveable and cute.

My Ratings of this Move : 10/10

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