The Whistle (Thai)

A sweet romantic film with a bit of a sad ending. But yet the concept is cute. You would like this film and is worthy to watch at least one time. Even though the sad ending may seem a bit 'used in millions of movies' type, the cuteness is refreshing. The film has a fantasy element to it that makes it a bit different from rest.And it can't be regarded as a sad ending as an absurd unreal happiness exists. 

And that is the tagline of this story too - 'Sometimes something mysterious happen'.

Story Synopsis : The film begins as a flash back. TarNum (or just Num) has written a story of a film and she and a kid is going to the screening of the film. A guy is with Num, whom she can see...She leaves the seat next to her empty for him. And the story starts...(ie flash back...)
TarNum is a normal looking girl who works in a ad agency. She has a crush on a guy since the high school years and she has followed him to collage, and to work. And she does this work only to keep near him. She doesn't like the field of work. And hence she makes a lot of mistakes in her work. One day, she mess up the size of dress of one actress and is asked to wear the dress and act instead of her for a shot. And after warning the dress she needs to wear a jewellery. She picks up a steel whistle on a black chain from her jewellery box, and does't get time to chose another one as she get called for the shot. In the shot she has to go on a horse cart and the horse suddenly lose control...
Somehow, a guy on a horse, a prince like man, comes and saves her. She tries to thank him after wards. He ask her 'Little TarNum, don't you remember me?' and introduces him as her childhood friend MuTon who had given her that whistle.
After that MuTon always comes to her help when she looks at the whistle or blows it. He helps her out in may situations. He even gives a make over to her, and make the guy whom she had a crush on her notice her and fall for her.
But once she gets on with the guy MuTon leaves. Num starts to miss him and doesn't even have his phone number to call him. But then when things get too sad and difficult for her MuTon comes back...
They don't even have to say that they feel immense love for each other. Because that is that much evident.
But then, Num, gets hospitalized, because of a bad heart condition. MuTon stays by her, and they confess their feelings and all...  But Num doesn't know that MuTon is just a spirit. The real MuTon is fighting with death in a hospital bed. And that he always loved her and has came to help her and full fill his love before he dies.
My ratings of this Movie :9/10

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