Eat Pray Love - Tokyo Trip Day 4 - Hakone

Things to take note | Pre Tokyo Trip | Tokyo Trip Day 1 | Tokyo Trip Day 2 - Shinjuku |
Tokyo Trip Day 2 - Harajuku | Tokyo Day 2 - Shibuya | Tokyo Trip Day 3 - DisneySea |
Tokyo Trip Day 4 - Hakone | Tokyo Trip Day 5 - Odaiba | Tokyo Trip Day 6 - Ueno |
Tokyo Trip Day 6 - Akihabara | Tokyo Trip Day 6 - Roppongi | Tokyo Trip Day - Hotel Room | Tokyo Trip Day 7 - Tsukiji | Tokyo Trip Day 7 - Ginza | Tokyo Trip Day 7 - Ciba |
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Tokyo Trip Day 8 - Haneda

Tokyo Trip - Eat Pray Love - Day 4 - Hakone

Plan for the day : Hakone.
One day trip at Hakone and then back to Shinjuku.
Transportation Guide for Hakone :
Map of Hakone :
One day course itinerary : Walk to Shinjuku Station
Take the Odakyu Romancecar to Hakone-Yumoto Station浪漫特快 (新宿站 → 箱根汤本站)
Take the Hakone Tozan Train to Gora登山列车 (箱根汤本站 → 强罗车站)
Take Hakone Tozan Cable Car to Souzan登山缆车 (强罗站 → 早云山)
Take Hakone Ropeway to Owakudani and take Fuji Mountain photo here.
(早云山 → 大湧谷)
 Continue use the Hakone Ropeway then to Togendai空中缆车 (大湧谷 → 桃源台)
Take the Hakone Sightseeing Cruise Ship to Hakone Machi海盗船(桃源台→箱根町)
From Hakone Machi walk to Moto Hakone步行(箱根检查站,杉木道)
From Moto Hakone take the Hakone Tozan Bus to
Hakone-Yumoto Station登山巴士(元箱根港→箱根湯本車)
Walk around Hakone-Yumoto Station and then take the train back to Shinjuku

Hakone is the only day I gonna be away from Tokyo city. Hakone is famous for the great natural scenery, view of Mount Fuji and hot spring onsen. It is also easily accessible from Shinjuku train station. Thus for any traveler that wish to enjoy hot spring bath and view of Mount Fuji, this is the best location.

Mount Fuji is the symbolic icon of Japan. A trip to Japan will not be perfect without a photo of the mountain. And if you are in the outdoor activity, you should consider climbing the mountain.

For Evangelion(新世紀福音戰士) anime series fans, Hakone is the location of the new Tokyo described in the anime series. So you can find poster promoting Hakone as tourist destination is associated with Evengelion. ( However from my conversation with peers in Malaysia, most of them don't know about Evangelion. Is this a sign of me as OTAKU?)

Enough on the background of this location, today is one of the most pack day of my travel. I am a bit worried if I can make the whole trip in a day or not. Thus I did very extensive research on this place and even posted on some backpacker travel forum to get some advise. In the end I had to skip the Sengokuhara area to be sure I can complete the trip in a day.

Early in the morning, I walk from my hotel at Higashi Shinjuku to Shinjuku Station. Could have take the subway train but it is troublesome as there isn't any direct subway train line. Need to switch train line if I want to reach Shinjuku Station. Thus a walk pass the Kabukichō area.

Found some menu price for those who interested to visit night club at Kabukichō. Please note that these menu did not include any of the drink price and other hidden charges yes. So visit at your own risk.

The romancer car that I take. But this is older model. Newer model also have Observation Deck that provide 360 degree view. But you will need to double confirm on this before you book your train ride.

The interior of the train. Quite spacious. The car is almost empty during my ride so I kind of choose the window seat that have better view. But the train conductor warn me though, coz some of the seat have passenger that board the train in next station. Luckily he did not insist I sit at my seat. :P

During the train ride, there is peddler that sell the train bento. I choose the most expensive bento set because it looks good. The taste is good but it is cold. Would be better if they can microwave and warm this bento first.

My motive is to see Mount Fuji with my own eyes. And I have seen it while on the Romancer Car Train Ride. So I can go back now? XD

Reach Hakone-Yumoto station. The Hakone Tozan Train is waiting at the station. Not much time left for me to take photo of the station or to walk around first.

The train here is single track going uphill. Thus need to wait for the other train to reach this station before the train I am on board continue the journey.

Reach Gora. Need to transfer another train but I went to washroom and miss the train.

Miss this train. Thus I walk around at Gora before continue. At nearby there is some souvenir shop.

At first glance, I thought this is some decoration fountain. But a closer look at the words at the wall show that this is a hot water spring. The water is still warm even though the air is cold. Around 10 degree Celcius.

Half way of my tour today, and it is still early morning.

The tree during the train ride show sign of autumn. The forest looks colorful.

Reach Souzan and take the Hakone Ropeway. The car is decorated with Doraemon. (^__^)

This ride look scary. Down there is a gorge with strong sulphur smell. This is the Ōwakudani. Mount Fuji can be seen clearly here.

Stop for a while at Owakudani station to take a photo of Mount Fuji. It is very clear sky today. Good timing to Hakone. On a different day, the cloud may block the view of Mount Fuji.

The famous black egg from Owakudani. Each black egg will prolonged one's life by 7 years.

Cute Hello Kitty at the Owakudani. The tourist queue up to take photo with the Hello Kitty.

From Owakudani, take the ropeway again to reach Togendai. Walk around the station first because the cruise ship has not reach yet. Found some Evangelion product at one of the shop here. Evangelion fans might be crazy over these.

Ahoy Pirate of Carribean. I am Straw Hat Luffy. I will be the King of Pirate. LOL.

View of Moto Hakone from the cruise ship. The strong wind blowing against my cheek and the bright sun up on my head. If this is Malaysia, I will feel hot like got bbq. But this is autumn at Japan, it feel such a nice weather. Nice day for travel.

This is the Hakone Checkpoint that is rebuilt to remembrance the Edo Period building. The entrance fee is quite high, so I did not enter.

The cruise ship reach the destination, Hakone-machi.

Notice some red maple leaf on the floor.

The tree looks on fire with the red maple leaf. It looks pretty.

The cedar avenue. The tree here is planted to protect the road for traveller during harsh winter.

The best photo I took at Hakone. Walk along the lake from Hakone Machi to Moto Hakone.

Panorama view of Lake Aishi. Meet some Japan tourist here and help them take photo. Japanese girl is so kawaii neh. Too bad, the language barrier. If not I will ask for their name and phone number. Or maybe even follow them for dinner or some thing.

Moto Hakone looks near but take 20-30 minutes to walk from Hakone Machi.

Went to Hakone Shrine to pray.

This red gate is traditional sign of shrine.

Sign board that guide the tourist on the right procedure to cleanse hand. The monk here is very thoughtful to include drawing. Without it, the Japanese instruction will only be useful for Japanese people and not for tourist like me.

The place to clean hands. The water is very cold and refreshing.

I am not sure what is the age of this shrine. But can see it must be very old. Maybe more than 00 years. Meet a pair of Taiwan lover here. The guy is a student at Tokyo. The girl is a nurse at Taiwan but visit her boyfriend here. They explain the 签 that I pray here to me. Not something good. But still thanks them for the explanation.

The guy recommend to visit another very old cafe here. This place is mentioned in my Japan Travel book and it is 100+ years old. It started to serve hot tea and some rice cake snack for traveller during Edo period. But this cafe is not accessible via easy route. Need to take the bus to reach here.

The purple fire burning from the wood. Not sure why it is purple fire. Maybe due to wood use to burn it. It doesn't produce too many smoke as it burn. So very suitable to use as indoor firewood to warm the room.

The menu is shown here. But I don't understand one word it say. So I leave for the pair of Taiwan lover to decide what to have. 

I just know I have some rice cake. Some is sweet and some is salty. I prefer the sweet one that is covered with some powder.

If you have meal here, take note on the time. The bus do not pass by frequently. So you better take note on this and do not miss the time. There is a timetable printed at the bus stop and the bus stop is right in front of the cafe.

The road back to Hakone Yumoto train station is very windy. It is best that you find a seat on the bus. But I am a gentlemen. I give up my seat for another old lady. The old lady say it is ok, she don't need it but when I insist, she say arigato many times to me. The Taiwan guy tell me that it is culture here not to give up the seat for elder or pregnant people here. A very weird culture since the Japanese always very polite to me.

When I reach Hakone Yumoto, the sky started to get dark and it is around 5pm only. So my whole day trip at Hakone is completed. I walk around Hakone Yumoto for a while first before take the train back to Shinjuku.

Feeling it is still early, I have a walk around Shinjuku. Visited the Tokyo Government Building. A very tall building that houses the Japanese government department. There is panoramic deck at 45th floor (202 meters).  It should look great at the top but I skip it because I have other motive to walk in this area.

Found this spot after many reference to the map I got. It is a famous spot for many lover to meet. Also appear in many Japanese Drama including GTO. This Love Sculpture is also put on many location in the world.

A highly recommended soba mee shop in Tokyo. The shop is very famous among tourist too. I can find English menu here. Thus it is a good dining spot for tourist.

The soba mee with many extra ingredient that I add. This is one of the cheapest meal I had in Tokyo.

Pass by some vending machine and take a photo. There is many vending machine at Tokyo and many people love to put their face against the glass panel and take a photo. I didn't do so though.

The vending machine sell, beer, coffee, mineral water, soft drink and even cigarette.

Things to take note | Pre Tokyo Trip | Tokyo Trip Day 1 | Tokyo Trip Day 2 - Shinjuku |
Tokyo Trip Day 2 - Harajuku | Tokyo Day 2 - Shibuya | Tokyo Trip Day 3 - DisneySea |
Tokyo Trip Day 4 - Hakone | Tokyo Trip Day 5 - Odaiba | Tokyo Trip Day 6 - Ueno |
Tokyo Trip Day 6 - Akihabara | Tokyo Trip Day 6 - Roppongi | Tokyo Trip Day - Hotel Room | Tokyo Trip Day 7 - Tsukiji | Tokyo Trip Day 7 - Ginza | Tokyo Trip Day 7 - Ciba |
Tokyo Trip Day 7 - Asakusa | Tokyo Trip Day 8 - Aoyama | Tokyo Trip Day 8 - Tokyo |
Tokyo Trip Day 8 - Haneda

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