Freshmen Orientation Camps - why you should join them

So, you have chosen your university, settled your application, and researched on the halls and hostels. What's next?

The few weeks before you officially become an undergraduate student in university, there will be a series of freshmen orientation camp happening. Here's why you should sign up for at least one!

All photos courtesy of Cepheus and CAC Camp.

1. You'll be having 5 days worth of fun and laughter.

These camps are often packed with lots of fun activities. You will never have enough time to finish all the games and activities planned by your seniors (not kidding on that). You literally won't have enough time, so forget about sleeping!

Most camps will have beach games, pool games, school games, amazing race, and so on. But of course, there are some differences among different games. For example, Sports Camp will have more tedious games involved (only for the fittest), while Welfare Services Camp will involve you going to do some community service while you're in the camp.

2. You'll learn that teamwork is essential.

Every camp tries to bond and that's when you have to play games requiring lots of teamwork. Crack your brains and work it out together to solve riddles, puzzles, and to complete the tasks.

Teamwork is essential when you go out to work in the future. You'll need to learn how to work with people. You'll learn that not everyone is good in sports or solving riddles so you're have to try and compensate each others' weaknesses.

3. You'll have fun doing silly things together.

During these 5 days, you'll be tasked to do the weirdest things you've ever done. Hug a tree? Blow a kiss to a random stranger? Passing bananas around with your feet? Or having an orange in your mouth while you play charades?

Now, you'll look like a fool doing any of those alone. But thank goodness you have these people with you to be silly with. You can finally let your hair down and it's surprisingly fun to do silly things once in a while. 

4. You'll have fun time out in the sun.

Most camps have a day out at the beach where you'll be playing in the sun. Here's why it's good for you. The sun gives off vitamin D which is essential for absorbing calcium. Sunshine also cheers people up as it boosts serotonin levels and beats Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

But who cares about all these facts, what's important is how much fun you'll have in the sun, playing beach games with these people who will become your best friends in university. 

5. Good food? Maybe?

They say the food in camps are really bad. It's cai fan every single day, every single meal, and it's always the same dishes. Don't expect too much for the food. You only paid $50-$80 per person for a 5 days camp!

But of course, there are some exceptions. There are camps which provide you roti prata for breakfast instead of the usual bread and kaya. There are camps which provide you pizza for dinner instead of packet rice. But those are the exceptions.

6. Fabulous Night Out

Most camps will have a night where you'll get to go on a date night with another camp mate. Take this time to make friends with people outside of your orientation group. Some camps bring you out to a hotel or a country club for a dinner. And that will be the best food you'll have in your camp.

Besides that, most camps have a night where you get to party away and let your hair down. A night where you won't have flour in your hair or paint across your face. You can put on your best dress and impress your friends. You'll definitely have fun dancing the night away with your new found friends.

7. These people will be your best friends in your university life.

These people you meet during the camp will be one of your first few friends in university. They'll also probably be your best friends in university. It's really hard to make friends in university as everyone's timetables and classes are different. But you'll know these people are always there for you and your friendship will definitely blossom.

Plus, you get to know seniors who can really guide you along with school since they've been around longer than you. You can even get exam tips from them.

Do not only go for your faculty camps or hall camps. It's always nice to mix around with people from different faculties and halls. Try for some of the inter-faculty camps such as CAC camp or Students Union. You'll be surprised at what type of people you get to meet at these camps.

All photos taken from Cepheus and CAC Camp.

Related words: NTU FOC Orientation Camp 

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