My 44th and 45th WWSC result

I forgot to post these Sketchcrawl results, so now I post both results here.

44th WWSC at Shinagawa.

T.Y. Harbor Brewery
44th WWSC Tokyo result

Inside the restaurant.
44th WWSC Tokyo result

Outside of T.Y. Harbor Brewery
44th WWSC Tokyo result

At the restaurant.
Mr. Honma and Mr. Nakamura


Nora and Keith

Our result of the day.
44th WWSC Tokyo result

44th WWSC Tokyo result

45th WWSC at Edo Tokyo open air architectural museum.

Old buildings
Edo Tokyo open air architectural museum

In the Izakaya bar.
at Izakaya “Wan”-1

at Izakaya “Wan”-2

In the train.
in the Nanbu line-1

in the Nanbu line-2

in the Nanbu line-3

in the Nanbu line-4

Our result of the day.

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