Tokyo Part 6: Rikugien Garden
Monday, November 10, 2014
On Monday morning I went to Rikugien, a very nice garden in Tokyo. I visited it once before, back in the summer of 2010, and was glad to finally go again.
When I had woken up that morning it had been sunny, but it quickly turned cloudy. As I left the hotel I even wondered if I should take my umbrella. But luckily, while I was at the garden the sun came out again and the rest of the day was beautiful.
The view from the top of the hill, Fujishiro-toge, is my favorite spot in the garden. Though I also really enjoyed a back area that went along a stream. The trees reflected on the water were really pretty.
Last time I saw a bunch of turtles around this bridge, but I didn't see any this time. There were some koi though. I saw several kids feeding them and the ducks.
I got back to the entrance and wasn't ready to leave so I walked through the garden one more time taking some different paths.
I really enjoyed the garden especially since it had been a long time since I had been somewhere like that.
As I headed back to Komagome Station, I stopped at a bakery called Niki for lunch. I had seen it on my way to Rikugien and started to crave bakery stuff while walking around the garden.
I was soooooo excited to see Totoro! All of these were tasty even though the thing at the top had some hidden mayonnaise.
I was kind of sad to eat Totoro. :( Haha!
Rikugien had been beautiful and I got a Totoro dessert! It was such a fun morning in Tokyo!