I’ve Seen Star Wars: The Force Awakens! Here is the Ending!
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
日本語はココです: 激速『スター・ウォーズ/フォースの覚醒』!http://bit.ly/1NwevBW
Lots of people have been wondering what’s up with the new Star Wars movie. Some have high expectations; some expect Disney to screw it up!
But, as my regular readers know, I work in the mass media and I have had access to a private viewing of the film ! Yes! I have seen it and Disney doesn’t disappoint!
In the climax scene, Han Solo is valiantly (but vainly) fighting it out with the evil Darth Vader.
Wow! What an exciting Disney ending! I told you that Disney, “Doesn’t disappoint”! No, they don't. But expect that they will make a Star Wars film that sucks as bad as the rest of them (excepting the original.)
OK? Now, no matter what happens, you won't be disappointed (too much). Just don't ever expect that this new movie to ever come close to the original and you won't be unhappy! (Creepin' Jesus, it's a Disney film fer cryin' out loud!) You can thank me later!
Have fun at the movies!
Japanese version of this blog is here: 激速『スター・ウォーズ/フォースの覚醒』! / I’VE SEEN STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS! robot55.jp/blog/激速『スター・ウォーズフォースの覚醒』!/