General Updates (aka Shukatsu Updates)

Hey everyone! I haven't had anything exciting happen recently, but I thought I'd just give you a general update, to sort of prove I'm alive.

It's technically my holidays now, and I did plan to go to Kokura for a one day trip, but due to financial constraints and time constraints, I haven't had the chance. And the Krispy Kreme spring doughnuts stop being sold tomorrow (they're now only available in Kokura, since all the Fukuoka shops closed down). Sigh.

Oh well, I finally went to a huge 合同説明会 (joint explanation session) at the Fukuoka Yahoo Dome.


They had special lecture sessions for certain companies, and then it was booths all the way. And it was clear which companies were popular - there were booths with loads of people, and some were just empty. I went for about four before I gave up. Total: about 5 hours, I think? 11am to 4pm, at any rate.

Right now though, I'm sort of shifting from these big events to the individual company sessions. Not to mention starting to hand in my entry sheet (applications) to various companies. And getting ready to take tests. For now, the hope is to make it past the first stage of rejections and get to the interview stage.

Oh yes, I'm thinking of doing a general "introduction to Shukatsu" post - stuff like the common terms and such. Anyone interested?

Afternoon Tea

A food update!! I managed to meet Yiyin again, and we went for a late lunch at the Afternoon Tea Tearoom.

Peach Earl Grey Tea
 I ordered the Teatime set, which was three half-size portions of sweets plus a pot of tea. It was soooo good. I really loved the matcha milk scone - I didn't really need the cream or the jam. It was perfect just the way it was!

Yiyin got the cheese and roast chicken sandwich and I managed to sneak a bite. It was really great too!

We both agreed that this place is much better than the Cinnamoroll popup stall, which looked cute but failed in the taste section. We'd rather the food taste good.

What's Coming Up:
Starting from Wednesday, I have job hunting events all the way till Saturday. And my sub-zemi is having a farewell party for the graduating seniors, so I can kiss more money goodbye.

Blog-wise, I'm planning to write another FAQ post sometime this week, so fingers crossed that I can finish writing it. If anyone has any post requests, let me know :D

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