Yokojukken-gawa-shinsui park

Before the “tsuyu”-rainy season-,nowadays,it’s one of the best seasons for a walk in the nature.

In Koto-ku, there are some parks or promenades along the canals.

 Yokojukken-gawa-shinsui park is one of them.

This park is 1.9k long, 5.1ha in area.

In this park you enjoy boating and especially for children,playing on the playing equipement on the warter.

Japnese iris are now in full bloom.

And you can also see some wild birds,like a Japanese cormorant or some kinds of heron.

If you have a chance,you can see a spot-billed duck with her baby birds!

About Yokojukken-gawa-shinsui park

By M. O.

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