How to Make your own Japanese Plum Wine - Umeshu (梅酒)
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Below I'll give an easy explanation about how to make your own plum wine.
What you need:
●Plums 1kg●Sugar Around 700g
●White liquor 1.8L
②Dry the plums & remove the plum stems
④Fill the jar with plums and sugar in layers one after the other. Be careful so that the plums don't get crushed.
⑤Pour the liquor carefully into the jar
⑥Once you have filled up the jar, leave it in a dark place. From time to time you can shake the jar carefully to make sure that the sugar is evenly mixed.
...And that's it! Now you only have to wait a year or so before the umeshu is ready (it is drinkable after three months or so, but the longer you wait the better it gets!)
Step 4: Plums and sugar |
When can I make plum wine?
If you find yourself in Japan the best season for making plum wine is around May-June. This is also when you can find equipment and ingredients prepared for you in the stores. Apparently the best timing to use plum for wine making is 3 months after the plum flowers have bloomed, so you can time it depending on when the plums bloom in your country.If you succeed with keeping the plum wine safely in a cool place it can refine in up to 20 years! Good luck!
Plum wine ready to be stored |