:::SPECIAL::: # Your New Friend From The Future! AI Robot KIROBO mini Produced by TOYOTA Japan!!

Your New Robot Friend


How many of you have dreamed to have a robot friend when you were small? For those who are familiar with the popular Japanese animation, Doraemon, you must have thought about having Doraemon as your friend! He will come to rescue and help you with his tools when you have troubles! Yes, I am one of them!!

Recently, TOYOTA announced that they would release a mini robot in 2017. This 10-cm tall mini robot is called KIROBO mini which is more than just a robotic toy. It is equipped with advanced AI that can respond to you and even recognize your facial expression and understands if you are happy or sad.

Moreover, it is said that KIROBO mini can save the conversation you have with him, and it will talk to you about things that you are interested in according to the conversation history!

It sounds a great companion for all ages, no matter you need a friend who can listen and talk to you when you are down or you have something great to share with.

One more great function of this camera, speaker and bluetooth equipped robot is that it can give you advice of your driving skills!

Interested in bringing KIROBO mini home? It will be available for online reservation later in 2016 while shipping is scheduled for next year. However, please note that it is for "within Japan" at the moment. TOYOTA is planning to kick off the sales through car dealers in Tokyo and Aichi Prefecture first. It will gradually be made available in the rest of the country.

Price: 39,800 yen + tax
App Monthly Fee: 300 yen
Homepage (Japanese): http://toyota.jp/kirobo_mini/
(All pictures of KIROBO mini credited to TOYOTA)

For those of you who are interested in Japanese robots. We do have a great place for you ! It is the famous Robot Restaurant in Kabukicho, Shinjuku!

As selected by TripAdvisor as one of the most wanted sightseeing spots in Japan, this amazing show is mixed with robots, music, dance and many kinds of special effects. It is a great entertainment show for the whole family and friends!

You can make your reservation in advance online or by phone, then you don't have to worry about the tickets will be sold out or not!

Showtime: 3 or 4 shows per day (16:00, 17:55, 19:50, 21:45)
(Show time varies on weekdays and weekends, please kindly refer to the homepage for the show time.)
Ticket Price: 8,000 yen (6,000 yen with the coupon above)
*Please note that food and drinks are not included
Show duration: around 90 minutes
Operation hours: 16:00 - 23:00
Homepage: http://www.shinjuku-robot.com/pc/?lng=en
Reservation hotline: 03-3200-5500 (09:00-22:00)
Google Map

Don't forget to show the 2,000 yen off discount coupon to the staff!!

Want to know more about the Robot Restaurant? You can check out our earlier sharing and video here:

Wanna get more and share your Japanese stories with us? Please join us on Google+ too!!
See you there! :)

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