Q&A: My super-writing records

It's time for another Q&A post. This post discusses the CDs that assist my writing.

Some time ago, I received the following message (edited for anonimity):

Hi .
you are wrote in http://phdtalk.blogspot.com/2014/01/silver-linings-binaural-beats-for-study.html that "I have the same results with some favorite CDs: I have 3 "super-writing" records, that make me extremely productive, and there is 1 record I used to listen to every single night before sleeping for 1,5 years - that made me sleep like a rose."

i want to download this CDs . how can download ?
how much time you listen to it each time ?

Best Regards.

My short reply at that time was:

Dear X,

All depends on personal taste - I for one have as my super-writing CDs "Reroute to Remain" by In Flames, "The Gallery" and "Projector" by Dark Tranquillity, and I used to listen to "Soft Black Stars" by Current 93 before sleeping, always.


While these three albums are my super-writing CDs, I generally always listen to music while writing and working. Most of the time, I am either listening to new releases that I will review for Darkview, or listening to the playlists Spotify makes with recommended tracks and new releases, or listening to music or white noise/binaural beats. While writing, I prefer music that has no vocals or distorted vocals, so that my brain does not start to mix my writing with the lyrics of the song. Melodic death metal and post rock are my favorite picks for writing. For reading, I gravitate towards instrumental music that is spaced open wide (shoegaze and the likes). For studying, I sometimes just block out the noise around me with white noise or "concentration" tracks on Spotify.

For relaxing at night, I used to listen every night to "Soft Black Stars" by Current 93. Nowadays, I don't always have music playing in the house, and more often I listen to podcasts while I'm putting my clothes and things ready for the next day and prepare to go to sleep.

Oh, and I almost forgot: don't download music, buy records, support artists!

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