Izumo-Taisha Shrine / Appearance of cloud / Hexagon crest

This sacred huge rope is very famous in Izumo-Taisha / Izumo Ooyashiro.
(出雲 Izumo  / 出 appear and 雲 cloud =  Appearance of cloud)
Also,Izumo/Idumo meant "the farthest" in ancient Israeli language.
Shimenawa rope protects inside place of shrine and it means spiral double genes of human.

In addition,the shape of rope represents snake copulation.
This architecture is Haiden.
Public worship place.
There is inner main shrine behind the Haiden.
Main shrine is called Honden or Gohonden.

Izumo-Taisha's official crest is hexagon shape.
Of course,it means secret Star of David,carapace of turtle and honeycomb.
Number six and hexagon shape means perfection of the universe in Shinto.
Hidden star of david in hexagon.
There are many star of david in Japanese shrines too.
Star of david is called KAGOME-MON (Photos)


A = Grand shrine of ISE as the sun rising place in Mie prefecture / Birth / Front face of Japan / Crane bird / Japanese / + plus / worship power / Sun goddess

B = Izumo-Taisha locates in the edge of Shimane prefecture / Sunset place / Death / Back face of Japan / Turtle / Jewish / - minus / economy power / Land god

A-B-A-B-A-B...Day and night / Man and woman 
The eternal circulation makes all of things.

These pair of shrines are important in Japan.
Izumo-Taisha means an another world in a sense.
I mean the world after death.
Another world is called YOMI or Yomi-no-kuni.(yellow land)

He is Ookuninushi-no-kami as main diety of Izumo-Taisha.
Some people may think that man statue doesn't make sense
because Japanese Shinto religion's basic is nature worship.

But the statue is correct.
Because 7th level gods look like human shape.
His true figure is the God of the land/earth/field,but he can change his figure to lead people to virtue.(as a leader)
This God world is composed of 11th level (Pyramid like shape)
Normal people are living in the 3rd level from the bottom.
So, human is kind of God if you cherish your best conscience.

This fact is utter common thing in the world,
but people can't interpret it yet except Indian saint Ramakrishna.
People understand only few pieces of this illustration.
So,many misunderstandings and religious conflicts are happening.
Also,certain strict God move around freely in the hell world if he needs to visit there.
In other words,the name of God is different in his staying level.
For example,if I am 7th level god,my name is seven.
But I can visit lower levels if I need to do something.
I am called 6,5 and 4... in that cases.
Please refer to the article to know Ramakrishna
I already wrote short summary  → Common myth

The highest God doesn't appear as human form.
It is condensation of eternal love.
Anyway,truth is common but religions are divided in the world.

In Japan,the first God of the universe is  Amenominakanushi.(Condensation of eternal love)
It has no sex and it's home is Polaris star(the center of universe), Mount Haku,and Geku shrine in Grand shrine of ISE.
Prime God of the Universe is 11th level.
Japanese national God,the Sun Goddess Amaterasu is 10th level.

 Kunitokotachi,God of the earth made land from ancient sludgy sea.
One of his  is Izumo-Taisha's main diety Ookuninushi / Susanoo.
Susanoo is entrusted by God of earth.
He moves around to guide human.
Sometimes he appears as human if he needs to do.

God of the earth and Susanoo have parent-child relationship like Yahweh and Michael.

Izumo-Taisha had rebuilding ceremony in 2013.
It is held every 60 years.
Please have a look at new Izumo-Taisha architecture.

Photos by wikipedia and photolibrary

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