Mount Moriya in Nagano,Japan / Holy Bible / Moriah hill of Jerusalem

Sacred Mount Moriya in Nagano,Japan.
There are one of the oldest Shinto shrines around this mountain.
Suwa Taisha shrine is composed of 4 shrines group.

4 shrines are divided into 2 groups.
M = Mount Moriya
AB = Shimosha group = Harumiya and Akimiya shrine
CD = Kamisha group = Honmiya and Maemiya shrine

ABCD = whole Suwa Taisha

In Japan,all shrines protect hidden secret nature place.
It is called Goshin-tai.(God itself or God's place)
So,shrine architecture is not real god place.
True god place is exist behind or near the shrine.
In case of Suwa Taisha,Goshin-tai is Mount Moriya and Lake Suwa.
Shinto is nature protection.

Crest of Kamisha group.
This crest means tree of Kaji(type of mulberry tree)

By the way,I added extra information in old article about this shrines.
Please visit again if you are interested.

Today,I am going to explain about further detail information of this area.
This is relatively famous in Japan.

Important thing is undeniable relationship between Japan and Holy Bible.(Old Testament)
Most research have already done by Israel embassy and Jewish scholars.
And they know Japanese Shinto culture is not copy/imitate of their side.

This is the Jikken-rou/Jyukken-rou in the Kamisha group.

Jikken-rou has almost same characteristic as ancient sacred place,Tabernacle/Makuya.
Japanese architecture and Jewish one are same size and same purpose.

75 heads of deer are dedicated to gods.
This ceremony is called Ontou-sai in Japan.(Other photos)

Ontou-sai short movie.

 Japanese people often watch some TV programs about relationship between ancient Japan and Israel.

This ceremony style was a little different before Maiji period(1868-1912) of Japan.

When a priest try to kill sacrifice boy,
the other priest came to stop it suddenly.
And then the boy was released.
Instead of the boy,priests dedicated 75 heads of deer as sacrifice.
This play(drama) ritual was held in old Ontou-sai ritual in the Suwa shrine.

The same story is written in Book of Genesis chapter 22,Binding of Issac
The stage of this story was Temple Mount,Moriah of Jerusalem.

that he believes the Ten lost tribes visited ancient Japan.

Yes,he is correct.
On the contrary,Moses and Isaiah also visited ancient Japan.
They needed to hide their culture,the ark of the covenant and blood line in the  far east country,Japan.
Because people were in the severe place to keep their religious culture.
We know the secret buried place of the Ark of the covenant.

Some people think that Japan just copied Bible's story,
but it is not appropriate.
Japan history is very old more than you think.

All traditional religions were derived from ancient Sun worship and Nature worship.
World solar diety was common religious worship of our all ancestors.

Only Japan have been keeping the Sun worship as national religion Shinto.
And the Sun worship's concept was derived from super ancient "Pillar worship" or "Mountain worship".

Super ancient pillar and mountain worship existed in Mount Haku,Japan.
Huge big pillars were elected on the top of the Mount Haku.

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