Transverse load redistribution and effective shear width in reinforced concrete slabs

We recently published a paper titled "Transverse load redistribution and effective shear width in reinforced concrete slabs" in the journal Heron. Heron is a free, open access journal, managed and organized by volunteers of Delft University of Technology and TNO.

The abstract of the paper is as follows:

In slabs subjected to concentrated loads close to the support, shear is verified for two limit states: beam shear over an effective width, and punching shear on a perimeter around the concentrated load. In current practice, the beam shear strength of slabs is calculated as for beams, and thus the beneficial effects of transverse load redistribution in slabs are not considered. An experimental program was conducted at Delft University of Technology to determine the shear capacity of slabs under concentrated loads close to the support. This paper presents the results of the tests conducted on continuous slabs and slab strips. The influence of the loading sequence, size of the loaded area, moment distribution at the support and distance between the load and the support is studied and discussed with regard to the behaviour in slabs and slab strips. It is recommended to use the effective width based on a load spreading method as used in French practice. This recommendation is based on the experimental results, a statistical analysis and non-linear finite element models. The parameter analyses show an increased capacity in slabs as compared to beams as the result of transverse load distribution. The shear capacity of slabs under concentrated loads close to supports can be calculated based on the Eurocode provisions for shear over the recommended effective width.


You can access the full text of the paper here.

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