End of Sirius's role / Era of the Sun / Level of conscience

Bright Sirius already finished its important role.
The star's work had continued for 6,000 years and all civilization on the Earth
were influenced by Sirius.
Egyptian civilization's architecture style or arrangement of historic ruins were remarkable result. Asuka period in Japan and other civilizations too.
 The mission of Sirius was given by the Polaris.
The Polaris is the center of the Universe and create other stars with the Sun.

To develop civilizations, human needed conflicts,basic emotions(joy,anger,grief,pathos and pleasure) and rise&fall(up&down).

Sirius and moon controlled about human.
Sirius was the Sun in the night because it is bright.
But it's work ended around 2010.
Next era is the true Sun.

Sirius era = Physical,Secret,Deception,Night,Breathe in
The Sun era = Mental,Heart,Truth,Day,Breathe out
Although Sirius is bright star but never win against the Sun in brightness.
Big revolution will happen corresponds to the difference in brightness between Sirius and the Sun.
You can't hide your heart level.
It means your conscience level represents all of you.
Everything will be disclosed to the world openly.

In spiritual point of view,
The Polaris = Geku in the Grand shrine of ISE
New Sun = Mount Haku
Sirius = Mount Fuji

Mt.Fuji was a symbol of Japan's economic miracle but the mountain was 
almost fall now.
It means one era was finished.
(Of course Japan's economy is no problem.US and UK protect Japan at the risk of their lives.Because they know Japanese secret of imperial house)

One more important thing,
many people want to climb holy mountains like Mount Fuji,
or visit spiritual place to get some power.
But it is not good for you.Never.
Holy nature place is not for human.If you visit there just for curiosity and greed.
.We have to think that human protects God or sacred place.
Not getting sacred power.
Local polite people abound Fuji never climb Mount Fuji
because they know sacred things must be protected.

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