Rule of Give & Take / Thief / Donation

 First of all,spiritual business is prohibited by God.
You can't take money from your clients even if you have spiritual healing power.
If you take money,it is very dangerous thing.
You will take client's problems or diseases.
Most fake healers and spiritual workers have mental problem in their old age and can't live long.
Or their family will ruined sooner or later.
In addition,they don't know that they are on Evil side.
They looks nice and kind but true innocent person never take money by spiritual business.
Because true healer knows the God's rule.
Also,true healer must choose person to heal. 
It is for free or healer gives money or something to the client.
Many fake healers don't know the rule.Who must be healed?

Of course Buddha knew of everything about spiritual things.
He was one of the 19 people.
After his spiritual talks,he never received foods by listeners.
He received alms only when he was just standing or sitting.

Truth is for free like air.
But fake healers and spiritual workers earn money by the air.
It means they are just impostor.

We need to think of "Give & Take" in our regular life.
Money and things have special energy when these are exchanged.
"Validity" is the most important thing between the two.
Let's say a man insists on too much allowance from parent,
it means a thief even if parent give the money without complain.
If he continues it,he can't go to heaven after death.
Because he robbed parent's energy for free.
He will need to experience life of his patient parent.In the "World after death".
Many people can do bad things because they don't believe World after death.
People's spirit are classified thoroughly by their level of conscience and what did they do to others.
Only on the Earth,people meet different level person.
And we don't know who is the good person indeed.
Sometimes bad people looks good for the first time.

Important thing is the man's future.
If he becomes good,helps parent,or donates for someone,the bad attitudes will offset.
So,human's future is very very very important.
Life is a kind of bookkeeping.
Deadline of your paper is when you die.

Person who always give something never take bad effects.
Giving is sacred act.Your problems and some future disease are offset by the act.
But need to think the validity of your act.
Some kind people don't think about negative impact after their donation.
Who is really needed to donate?
What charity organization is really good?
Bad person is really good at pretending the weak.
You have to protect your money first.

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