Samu / Working in Zen temple / Dangerous trigger in Meditation,Reiki and Yoga

Buddha couldn't achieve his spiritual enlightenment by spiritual hard training.
On the contrary,he was almost dying by the hard training.
So,what made him awake?
It was a bowl of milk gruel that was given by Sujata.
She was just a manual laborer who was delivering milk.
She was scolded violently by employer because her milk was for sale.

This is the most important thing in the world.
Only her mercy helped him.
Only her mercy awakened him.
Her conscience and mercy = Only one solution for him

Many people think that "Buddha's spiritual awakening" or "His enlightenment"
without looking at her merciful act.
Physical and spiritual training for spiritual purpose is fully useless
 because Buddha had already proved that.
We don't have to trace again the old fashioned spiritual training like a meditation.
On the contrary,meditating causes bad effects.

① Because people who had been doing meditation eagerly
are not happy in their future years.
Everyone don't know about meditation-lover's after situation do you?
Hard meditation is an kind of opportunity/trigger to escape from reality.
Sometimes, evil spirits show us weird phenomenon while we are meditating.
Because evil spirits want to use stupid human as their subordinate.
If we escape from real society,they can possess on us easily.

Reiki(spiritual power body treatment) is more dangerous than meditation.
It is a kind of drug.
You may feel good during an early stage of treatment but it will guide you to tragic situation in the future.
Reiki = Wasting your energy and pleasure chemical of brain
Eating your luck quickly is Reiki.

Normal massage or normal physical treatment in hospital is no problem.
Reiki is not a treatment at all.
You don't need other people's power to body recover.
Keep your original energy.

Hard Yoga is also not good.
There are many possessed Yoga teachers in the world.
They are trying to get more spiritual experiences through Yoga or meditation.
Don't do Yoga too much.Do light exercise by yourself.
Keep away from unstable people.
Meditation,Reiki and Yoga have big possibility to escape from your practical life.
② We have no time to play like a child
Your life's purpose exist on your work in office,housework,family and helping others.
If you escape from these,life will ruin soon.
Working with open your eyes is precious.
We have to work what you have to do now.
With no idle thoughts.
I sometimes say "stop" whenever I am talkative in my mind while I am working.

No thinking or thinking about gratitude things are very good when you are working.

In Japanese Zen temple,most important thing is SAMU working.
Not a meditation.

Samu / Working in a Zen temple
Samue / Monk's wear for working

Cleaning and cooking are main training in Zen Buddhism.
Zen monks wake up very early to clean and cook.
Of course those acts have considerable importance for public people.

Hard spiritual training is not a Zen's essence at all.
Zen = Be fully immersed in your work and life 
When you concentrate on your work which you have to do now, all negative feelings never occur.
(Even if you are in severe situation of life)
This is a very important point of life because human's physical energy from the Sun is always consumed by bad-useless thinking.
It is called power leakage.
It ruins your fortune.

Also,we are not able to think actually.
Because we are not good at thinking.
Our knowledge and thinking skill are really limited.
So,you don't have to think about future and philosophize things.

Your mind will be free and fixed in nice position if you can continue to concentrate in every way.
This is a true "FREE MIND"in Buddhism.
You need to be a boss or owner of your mind.
Taming your mind fully = ZEN

There are too many denominations in Buddhism.
Those are not good because Buddha's sayings were interpreted by people of posterity.
We only believe primitive Buddhist scriptures like a Dhammapada and Sutta Nipata.
In those books,there are no recommendation about meditation.

But monks are not suitable job in current world.
Normal public people who are working in real society are greater than any monks.

There is one more story about human's action.
Some people assume that "Action with mercy is the best".
But it is just an ideal way to do.
Hypocritical action is also worth.

All your actions in the world  = You will receive the value in the future(someway,someday).
Important thing is the value what you did.
This is God's rule in the world.

You may receive the value after you die.
In that case,you will get bigger value in another world.
In another world,things are all increased.
Meanwhile, if you did something bad,you will be sure to get adjusted about your luck,health,happiness.
If you get adjusted about bad acts after you die,it means hell.
So,we have to do something good within a living term in the Earth.
Your good conduct for someone will help yourself.(Offset phenomenon)

That type of head statue is very ruder than full body statue.
Why do you need his head or body statue to create your future life?
Buddha didn't say that his statue is needed.
He just said that do your work with your mercy.

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