Author Interview- Ottilie Weber

It is January 2011 now and I decided to start the year by doing something good- promoting authors and bloggers and their websites. So here is the first author who answered the interview questions- Ottilie Weber. Review Carnival is really thankful to her for taking out time to talk to us.

In a fantastical land where the weather is always changing, not too far from the beach and the moon is high in a freckling sky Ottilie lives. This land is call New Jersey where she has lived her whole life and she mostly grew up in Wall Township. Ottilie is currently studying History Education at The College of New Jersey. Writing helps as a procrastination tool and a savior to her sanity. Ottilie has major support from her caring, supportive family along with her loveable, insane friends.

Here is about her new book End of The Line

Asteroids came crushing down at Earth at unbelievable speeds, killing off most of the world as a group of six children ranging from six to seventeen stick together to survive lead by Lauren and Aaron. Even though the two didn’t know each other at school they stay together to find food, shelter, and cover from Dean Manson, a free man from prison who seeks revenge on Aaron. As the two try to stay alive, and hide from this powerful man, many things come their way, starvation, illness and even falling in love with each other as the two try their best to deny it. It is when Dean Manson finally figures out how to get back at Aaron is their emotions finally clear...

Family Ties (coming out April 2011, don't have a cover yet)

Abby was raised with not nursery rhythms by Mother Goose, Fairy Tales, or Asepses Fables, but narratives of her Great Grandmother, Emma. Emma has the dream life that got past down to the family as a story or so Abby thought. During one of the hottest summers in a long time in New Jersey Abby and her best friend Cory are working at a restaurant in town while their peers go to the beach to have fun. All the two do is work and Abby keeps thinking she rather be doing something bigger then her town and be out of the sight of her overprotective family. Abby learns after she is kidnapped that she has to be careful for what she wishes for, because it might come in a form she may not be expecting…


Favorite color- Purple! Purple has probably been the top color for years, but Green and Blue aren’t far behind!

Favorite author- Ah!! Only one?! Uh…Laura Faria Stolarz

Favorite book/books- Haha wow yikes where to begin, Project 17, Tithe, This Lullaby, Deception Point just to name a few….

Zodiac sign- Sagittarius!!

Place of your dreams- The beach, I don’t care if it sunny or if it is night, the beach is ever calming to me. It is beautiful and I just love it.

Your motto- As long as you are yourself, what does it matter to others.

The serious questions

1. Is the life of a writer as you imagined it to be?

Ans. Yes and no. I knew there would be a lot of waiting, which is another reason I wanted to start young. I never really thought out the marketing part (the naïve part of me!) so that was a little more of a slap of reality then anything else. Otherwise the writing part is fun and I am meeting some other fun authors who are giving me so advice. I have loved the people I’ve been talking to so it helps. Sometimes school gets in the way of writing, but that had to come in mind when I’m still in college.

2. What genre do you write and why?

Ans. I write for Young Adults, but I wrote just about most of my writing when I was in High School myself and I could relate, because that’s what I was going through. I’m in college, publishing those works and still writing new ones because I love the situations, the characters, and the all around spunk and growth that the characters makes the genre so much fun to write.

3. What inspires you the most?

Ans. People, love, random situations all help me want to write. I enjoy the ability to get my overactive imagination to run free.

4. What kind of characters/settings do you like?

Ans. Fun spunky characters, those are different from each other and their interactions! Call it my inner Sagittarius, but the fire characters is probably more fun the writing the plot at times. Settings that can be fun for me, beach, I try not to shove it down everyone’s throat in all my stories, but it’s in some.

5. As a reader, would you prefer to read comedy, romance or sci-fi/fantasy? (The one which is the closest to your interests).

Ans.I like to read a little of everything. I like to read stuff that has a little wit in them, and a little romance I’m pretty good. I read fantasy, sci-fi, fairy tales redone, suspense; I’m pretty willing to read almost everything.

6. Have you ever suffered the dreaded writer's block? How do you deal with it?

Ans.I have and probably will deal with that vial thing forever, I really don’t think there is a way for a person to avoid it and have a creative passion. I have started over 30 stories, so I have to hope if I have a road block with one story that I can hopefully work on another one. Sometimes watching “Shakespeare in Love” or “Alex and Emma” help get the creative juices flowing or reading makes me want to write myself.

7. What message would you like to give you fans?

Ans. Never give up on your dreams, if they mean something to you the dream matters so you should fight for them. That love and hope are key factors in life and will take you far with what you have in store with your future.

You can find more information about her at:

Thanks again to Ottilie and hope you enjoyed the interview.

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