Best office or Best Company to work with......

This all begin with the recent annoucement of new Google office in Malaysia. Google has long set the standard of how a cool company should be. Many facilities in their office awe by young graduate. 
For many people, working in Google is a dream job.

But for me, it is not that case. The facility in Google office (Google staff prefer to call it Google Campus) for example seems to send message to the employee, "Please do not leave the office. Stay in the office 24x7". While they try to bring the kind of home feeling, relaxing and fun element to their office, it just feel like they encourage you to stay in the company all the time. And as we all know a staff that work 24x7 is an overworked staff and that means low productivity.

So, in my opinion, the best company to work with is one that is stress free. But that is almost non existent in this realistic world. So I think hard and found the 2nd best office for myself.
It is not stress free, but I am sure it can reduce my stress dramatically. Just that I am not sure if my blood pressure and heartbeat can cope up with it.

The answer for me is Victoria Secret. XD

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