The Lorax (2012)

The Lorax (2012) Poster
I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees.

Comments on Movie: The Lorax (2012)
"Dr. Seuss' The Lorax entertains while delivering its pro-environmental, anti-greed message wrapped in a bright package of primary colors that truly pop." - Michael Rechtshaffen, The Hollywood Reporter.

"From the opening song-and-dance production number introducing us to the plastic-loving population of Thneedville, to the adorably comic critters who live in the lush valley, this kid-pleasing movie packs a visual punch and a worthy message." - Linda Barnard, The Star.


"May be a diversion for younger children, but it betrays the elegant simplicity of Geisel's vision." - Bruce Diones, The New Yorker.

"The Lorax certainly looks good, animation wise that is, and it has a message I can get behind. That being said, this is an incredibly dumb movie, and very, very boring. There’s very colorful animation popping on the screen and the story is as dull as dishwater." - Bill Thompson.

"This big screen outing takes the seeds of Seuss' book and expands too far upon the original text, drowning it in a series of lurid colours that lacks charm and a strong identity of its own." - Joe Walsh, CineVue.

"While this is a visionary film, I find this film undesirable because there are scores of shortcomings. It has a good message with minimal preaching, a good base of imagination but maybe not a very good screenplay." - Rosalyn Lim.

Comedy Family Dr. Seuss 3D Animation Animated Feature
The Lorax (2012) Trailer

Favorite Movie Character

The Lorax (2012) Movie Quotes
This is the shortest list of movie quotes I have so far.
  1. I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees.
  2. There's more to this story than what's on the page, so please pay attention while I set the stage.
  3. We open in Thneedville, a city they say that was plastic and fake, and they liked it that way! 
  4. A town without nature, not one living tree.
  5. In Thneedville, we manufacture our trees. Each one is made in factories and uses 96 batteries.
  6. In Thneedville, the air's not so clean so we buy it fresh It comes out this machine!
  7. In Thneedville, we don't want to know where the smog and trash and chemicals go.
  8. Aloysius O'Hare, the man who found a way to sell air and became a zillionaire.
  9. In Thneedville, we love living this way. It's like living in paradise. It's perfect!
  10. Love-the-life-we-lead-ville. Destined-to-succeed-ville. We-are-all-agreed-ville.
  11. People said that the touch of their tufts was softer than anything, even silk. And they smelled like butterfly milk! 
  12. What does that even mean? 
  13. What I want more than anything in the whole world is to see a real living tree growing in my backyard.
  14. I'd probably marry him on the spot. I bet that sounds crazy. Does that sound crazy?
  15. Ted, we already have a tree. It's the latest model.
  16. You would rather have some dirty, messy lump of wood that just sticks out of the ground?
  17. Look at what we've got. It's the Oak-amatic. The only tree with its own remote. Summer, autumn, winter, and disco!
  18. Would you be a dear and go get them for me?
  19. People used to say if you brought him 15 cents, a nail and the shell of a great, great, great grandfather snail, he would tell you everything.
  20. You really think people are stupid enough to buy this? 
  21. Our research shows that if you put something in a plastic bottle, people will buy it.
  22. If somehow your invention ends up a failure instead of a success, oh, it wouldn't surprise me at all!
  23. I'm going to prove you all wrong.
  24. I'm going to eat this, but I am highly offended by it.
  25. You got a beautiful town here, Ted. Lots of fun stuff to occupy your short attention span.
  26. Because when a guy does something stupid once, well, that's because he's a guy. But if he does the same stupid thing twice, it's usually to impress some girl.
  27. I didn't mean you any harm. I just wanted to calmly float you away.
  28. This is a revolutionary product that will change the world as we know it.
  29. Well, fortunately, you are not the target market, weirdo.
  30. That's a woman?
  31. On behalf of the trees, get out!
  32. You're running a business now. You have to do what's best for the company, and your momma.
  33. How bad can I be?
  34. All the customers are buying, the money's multiplying, the PR people are lying and the lawyers are denying!
  35. Because unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better.
  36. Get out of my house now. This is outrageous.
  37. You're going to help me plant it right in the middle of town where everyone can see it.
  38. Come on! We know why you're really against trees. Because they produce fresh air. For free!

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