Worldwide Giveaway #1 - Results

This worldwide giveaway event has ended.

Worldwide Giveaway #1 - I love Studio Ghibli
First of all, a big thank you to all of you who have participated in the giveaway. There are only about twenty of you with twelve eligible entries but it was still difficult to choose the two winners. I sincerely hope those who did not win won't be disheartened and will try again the next event!

And for the two winners, they are... 
1. B. Y.
2. Sky King Falma (No response)
2. N. C.


Please contact me via message through my facebook page and you have 48 hours to respond. If there is no response from you by then, I will choose another winner from the eligible twelve.

Upcoming worldwide giveaway's teasers/hints:
It will be related to Disney & at least 10 winners would be selected!
Stay tune for more giveaways and interesting animated features!

Please take good care of them, you two.

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