Final year, final chance.
Friday, May 1, 2015
School has been a nothing but a frantic rush for me in my third and final year of Mass Communication and much as I hate to say it, this blog might have to take a pause for now. It's not to say that I've lost my passion for writing (or ranting), it's just that I can no longer find it in me to update twice or thrice weekly anymore. It's not as if I no longer have the luxury of time, I still do but I'd rather use that time to read some books and do some revision of school work; something that's benefits my education and future career path.
I'll still write, and even post a poem or two, but I cannot promise that I'll write as frequently as I used to. I still love this little space of mine and I'll never give it up but I believe taking things slow now can only benefit both my blog and myself in the long run.
And I'm sorry I've been only talking about my school life recently which must have been boring for everyone else but this is really what my life is all about now - to get that diploma as soon as possible so that I can begin working and lighten my mom's burden. Nonetheless, I promise to come up with some better verbal diarrhea real soon!