The end is fast approaching... Blog Update #4

Necessary sacrifice...

Hey everyone, so basically I know normally this would be Post where I would either review or film/anime or talk about specific film news that appealed to me personally, but due to important circumstances and time I have left of Uni, I think it's time to let you know, very briefly, what you should expect to see and not see from this Blog in the coming weeks and months. So without any further delay, I'll tell you what's up...

So to tell you all straight out, starting from now, I won't be able to post a Blog entry once every-single week from now on. The obvious reason for this, as I'm sure people know already and are in the same predicament as me in this time, is the simple fact that I am currently in an important stage at university where I'm doing a dissertation project that is gruelling, but weirdly exciting to do at the same time. I think the fact that I won't be posting once every-single week from now on, will be beneficial for not only me, but for everyone who comes and enjoys reading my stuff as well. I say this because, if I did decide to continue doing the regular thing of me posting either reviews or news of something that peaked my interest every-week whilst doing and focusing on a dissertation, The posts would honestly not be up to scratch. They would be poor reads for you to witness and I don't want to be in that situation where I'm producing tired and lackadaisical reviews that are rubbish to read which then essentially makes me burnt out in doing my dissertation. It will work out for me as well for the simple fact that I can spend the majority of my time on this dissertation that is a behemoth to think and write around, but is something that will be awesome to complete in the end. Don't get me wrong, this doesn't mean that you'll hear from me again till I finish this dissertation, which I hand in early May time. There will be the odd week and day where I will post something of the norm. For instance, I can't guarantee when I will post it, but I will for sure do a review of Zack Snyder's Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice. In actual fact, in the comments down below, rather then me reviewing films that I want to review, instead why don't you guys suggest a film for me to review instead? I honestly think it would be challenging to review a film that I've not seen or that has never crossed my mind into watching. Get your suggestions down below!!

I'm sorry that this is a rather short Blog Post update, but it has to be said that I do have a busy schedule coming up and I'll need all the focus and time I can get. I know this is going to sound really cheesy and cliché and what not, but my worst enemy at this moment in time, is myself. I can't really afford to lose time in a moment of the year where I need to pay attention to the things that matter to me. One of the those things is the dissertation that I'm doing and I need to grind as much as possible if I want to achieve a substantial mark/grade overall. I know in the end, it will be a relief, but also an achievement to write a lengthy piece of work that is absolutely challenging but satisfying to write up. Anyway, leave me a comment of a film that I should review on this Blog. To finish, I would like to say thank you to everyone who stops now and again to see the stuff that I put up. I'm sorry I've not done much in 2016 so far on this Blog, but I like to think the best is still yet to come, for both myself and this Blog and the fact that people enjoy reading what I release, is really kind of overwhelming! So, this is it then, the next time you'll hear from me will probably be me reviewing Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice sometime in late March or another type of different Post. Until then, I'm taking off and good look to everyone for the next few months!! Adieu!! :)

(To leave on a good note, I'm going to leave a few things that I'm sure you'll like!! I'll see you all hopefully soon with a good Blog Post. Later!)

Something a bit inspiring... I hope!

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