Animation to Watch: Sawako Kabuki Playlist

Sawako Kabuki (冠木 佐和子, b. 1990) is an eccentric young animation artist in the tradition of Yōji Kuri.  Her work pushes the boundaries of comfortability bydepicting female bodies masturbating, defecating, and even puking.  Her luridly coloured films are surreal and daring.  There is always a tongue in cheek sense of humour from fangirling over Shigeru Matsuzaki with a mutant hermaphrodite in the short-short Shigeru (しげる, 2014) to a girl making a peace sign selfie next to a butt hole in Anal Juke.   The shock value of her work has made her a perfect match for music video collaborations.  She has made music videos for Shinsuke Sugahara (菅原信介) and THE POTONE! 

Here is a playlist of works she has shared on YouTube (NSFW) – many with English subs:

Kabuki is a graduate of Tama Art University.  Learn more about her on her website, her blog, and or follow her @soramimicake.




Here, There and Everywhere
Ici, là et partout』(2013

Anal Juke
『肛門的重苦 Ketsujiru Juke』(2013)限定公開


Master Blaster
菅原信介『MASTER BLASTER』, music video(2014)

Don’t Tell Mom!

Soregashi Rock Band
某ロックバンド, music video(未公開) (2015)

What Happens Before War?
『戦争のつくりかた』 collaborative project

Nou Nen (featuring utae)
THE POTONE!『Nou Nen feat.utae』, music video (2015)

Banana and Mayonnaise

Summer's Puke is Winter's Delight

2016 Nishikata Film Review

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