The world after death / Blue lights / Bardo time

When we die,our bodies emit blue light
just like this dying worms experiments with ultra violet ray.

Moment of death.
At that time,all people don't understand what is the blue glowing situation.
And we all are surprised what happens to us at that time.


Today,I am going to explain about moment of death and after death.

First of all,a rebirth system is cycle.
This world → Moment of Death → Bardo(49days) 
→ Another world at least 50 years → This world
(Animal's Bardo term is only 7 days)

We all had some past lives.
Now,we rebirth again because we didn't do what to do in the past life.
Rebirth will last until we remove self ego fully.
When you can stop rebirth,you can give your great character to all humankind.
Please refer to this page to know detail Great 19 people/Common awareness
Their great spirits are already shared to all humankind.
This share system is our important goal.

After death,we wrapped blue light from our body,
and we know three things at that few seconds time.

1, Feelings that you gave other people in this whole life.
2, Feelings that your all related people experience by your behavior in this whole life.
3, Feelings that you didn't know about other people's standpoints.
(For example your parents are always worried about you,but you didn't know it)

These things are similar.
But I can't explain well.

And then,Bardo time will start.
Bardo is not special concept of Asia.
All human experience this 49 days.

In Bardo time,you have to watch whole your life's video.
All scenes were recorded.
By the way, this video is watched by all your dead related people and your ancestors who do not rebirth yet.

If you did something good,everybody applause you at that scene.
If you did something bad,everybody become silent.

After watching,you will decide your destination by a kind of gravity.

It means the level/quality of your movie.
No one avoid the gravity because everybody accept own level by your conscience.
Yes,you realize hidden your true conscience after you die.
You have to realize your true conscience while you are alive.
Your conscience knows what you should do in this life.

Another world is very simple.
In your another world, there are only similar people like you.
If you are kindness, you will go to a kindness person's level.(kind of heaven)
Everybody loves each other.
If you are mean, you will go to a mean person's level.(kind of hell)
Everybody kill each other.

Only our living world has various level's people.
Various level's people exist for spiritual training in this world.
We can't do training at all after we die.

This living world is very rare to update yourself.

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