Kamidana and Ofuda

Today,I have to apologize to everyone.
Some information about Kamidana and Ofuda were not enough.
I might have given insufficient information to my important friends.

But my effort is just beginning.
I want you to remember what is the true attitude towards Nature,God,and Ancestors.

Respecting local god is needed everywhere in the earth.
I would like to share the truth about Japanese culture.
The essence of Japan = Kamidana and Butsudan.
I am able to affirm it.


Let's review again and I will provide an additional explanation.

Shinto shrines and Kamidana are connected by invisible line.
Shrines and Kamidana don't work if we don't care them correctly.

Care for shrine = visit and dedicate thanks,cleaning whole shrine,
sacred ceremony to give thanks for gods,etc...

Care for kamidana = changing water every day,treatments for pair of plants
changing ofuda every year

These action makes both active.
No care = No activation
Just have them = No mean

If you are in Japan, Kamidana wooden box and Ofuda(paper amulets of shrine) are needed.
Because you can buy them easily.
But if you are in other countries like me,please don't not overdo about Kamidana.

Kamidana's leading role are not box and ofuda.
Most important things are new water and fresh plants.

There are two kinds of Kamidana style.
One space type and Three space type.
The first one is called 一社造り Issha-dukuri.

If you have one ofuda,this one will be good.

You put ofuda in it.
Ofuda for Issha-dukuri = ofuda of the nearest shrine from your house in Japan
or 神宮大麻札 Jingu-Taima-Fuda or ofuda of grand shrine of Ise.

 三社造り Sansha-dukuri style is more effective.
(Three spaces style)

You put three correct ofuda in each space.
Each ofuda have different roles.
You choice ofuda from correct shrines and put them into correct space.
In each space,ofuda gather sacred air.
Then three ofuda make strong air's swirl around Kamidana.

Each separated space is important.
Some people put all of ofuda in Issha-dukuri box.
But it is not good because each shrine's air is different.
Each ofuda has different air, so we have to separate them.

So,some Japanese people buy three piece of Issha-dukuri like this.

Combine Issha-dukuri × 3
You put correct ofuda in it like as Sansha-dukuri.

Prop ofuda up against wall.
If I can visit Japan every year,
I will get one Jingu-Taima-Fuda or nearest shrine's ofuda 
from parent's house. 

We don't have to prepare perfect Kamidana.
Water and plants are enough.
Please save your money.

Ofuda information is not for everyone.
I just share true theory.

Used ofuda must be returned to shrine within 1 year.
Some people change ofuda every month.
Because ofuda absorb bad air of your neighborhood and house.
Do not have ofuda in your house forever.

Any shrine will accept other shrine's ofuda any time.
Shrine priests will burn them after ceremony.
This burn ceremony is called お焚き上げ Otakiage.

You can directly return ofuda to shrine by mail after use it.
Even if you buy them in internet shop.

 I don't want to recommend internet shopping to buy ofuda.
Ideal way  = Buy yourself at shrines in Japan
This effort will connect line between the shrine and kamidana strongly.

Fresh ofuda is important. 
Ofuda =  condensed raw air of shrine.
Internet shop may sell stocked goods in 2012.
And everyone can't distinguish true ofuda from fake.
There are many fake ofuda in Japan.

Most Japanese people are innocent, but there are many residents from neighbor countries.
They do everything to get money.

photo by photolibrary amazon and me

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