Moai / Mu the lost continent / Japan and Pole star worship

Moai's face was derived from a top priest in super ancient time.
There was a vast floating continent in the middle of pacific ocean.
Mu was a floating island of dust/sediments.(before 15,000B.C.)
Big kelp stem supported the land.
Diameter of these seaweed was more than a meter.
In Japanese mythology,HIRUKO the first child of Izanagi and Izanami,
represents Mu.
HIRUKO was disabled child.
I mean the child had no legs.
HIRUKO was abandoned by parents.

First of all,there was Hakusan worship in Japan.
Super ancient Japanese worshiped sacred Mount Haku,and there were three pillars on the mountain like this.↓
(By the way, this is Torii. Japanese Shrine's gate.Originally,Torii was three-pillar style)

On Mount Haku,three pillars were worship place for sacred Pole star.
Pole star means the center of the universe.
So,Mount Haku was a secret connected place to Pole star.
The importance of the mountain hasn't changed since that super ancient time.
Hakusan worship is root of current Japanese Shinto.

But one day,barbarians from Eurasian landmass attacked Japan and main worship place Mount Haku.
They stole one of the three pillars and brought it to around Mount Peaktu.(It locates between North Korea and China)

Some Japanese people escaped to the world of underground.(Basement world of the Earth)
Some people went to ISE(current Mie prefecture) or Mu with two pillars.
The rest of the people went to all over Japan.
One pillar buried in current ISE grand shrine's Geku.(The worship place for Pole star)
The other one was brought to Mu.
But Mu was ruined.It sank.
So,people took the pillar to Japan again.
IZAWA no miya is one of the most important place in Japan.
Mount HAKU,The Grand shrine of ISE, and IZAWA no miya are super sacred places.

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