See you... Never again
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Life comes crashing down — in waves, no less — when you least expect it. Consumed by this overwhelming misplaced sense of longing, I'm perpetually in a state of yearning; this continual ache that turns my stomach topsy-turvy and guides my heart to my throat. Restricted by circumstances yet craving for an answer from you. Something. Anything at all.
You were my what if.
Despite your presence through the gloomy times, your comforting words when I was caught in the darkness, I couldn't make up my mind. Time and again, I chose someone else over you. For a moment there, I was so sure of my decision; I was very damn sure that I made the right choice. But as they always said, you don't know what you have till it's gone forever.
The words you spoke in my dream, that is. This persistent feeling that wouldn't go away. I shouldn't have been so adamant, so stubborn. I should have listened and made amendments while I still could give it a shot.
They were wrong about not missing what you never had.