Hydrangea Picture Spam! (+ Hydrangea Parfait)
Thursday, June 22, 2017
So Huis ten Bosch is having a hydrangea festival right now, and one of my friends and I decided to go and take a look at the flowers and try the hydrangea parfait after work. And of course, I brought along my camera and took too many photos.
Kinda like this.
Amsterdam Square
I really, really love the different colours on the hydrangeas!
And probably took too many photos of the same spot, but in different orientations. Don't worry, I've tried to keep that as little as possible when I was choosing which photos to post here.
Hydrangea Road + Hydrangea Market (where the real photo spam is)
So there's this 800m long Hydrangea Road leading to Palace Huis ten Bosch. And they have a little road that winds through the hydrangeas so that you can take a close look at them!
I'm just going to give up on saying stuff and let you enjoy the photos in peace.
Although I really want to add that I love the colours of hydrangeas! So many delicate colours that are really hard to take pictures of!
Also, a friend told me that a stalk of hydrangea costs $30 in Singapore so now when I look at the picture I'm like "Ok, this is a lot of money" (joking, I still look at the colours first)
This photo looks white but it's actually a really pale pink mixed with white and I find it really beautiful!
Huis ten Bosch was also having a heart hydrangea campaign and I was really, really looking forward to finding a heart AND I'M SO GLAD I DID! Apparently these occur naturally and the shape changes as it blooms so I guess I'm really lucky to have seen this(:
And the next few pictures will be of the hydrangea market! It's really just a place where you can buy the hydrangeas:
And there's also a little area where people can attend lectures and other events about hydrangea!
And then I got a message from my friend saying that she was done with work so I took the path back.
And um, got very distracted.
And then she couldn't find me so I basically managed to get lost ._.
A few photos later, we finally managed to meet and I started taking pictures of her and the flowers! She gave me permission to share them too so I want to share this one(:
And I found another heart! This one was two-toned which makes it even cuter!
Back at Amsterdam Square for the Hydrangea Parfait
Our last stop was the parfait! I've been wanting to try this since I first saw it because it's a lot easier to get my hands on than the hydrangea buffet (which is also a lot more expensive)
And the surroundings are really beautiful!
My parfait did not have the blue jelly that the picture had, but it was delicious all the same. The jelly and the ice-cream went together very well, and I really liked the biscuits - both the stick and the matcha leaf. The bottom was anko and it was a little heavy for me but overall I was really satisfied with this!
Although I regret not using my photne for this because the picture is quite blur.
I finished work first, so I decided to kill some time by walking around Amsterdam Square. It's really pretty right now, with all the different colours.
I really, really love the different colours on the hydrangeas!
And probably took too many photos of the same spot, but in different orientations. Don't worry, I've tried to keep that as little as possible when I was choosing which photos to post here.
Hydrangea Road + Hydrangea Market (where the real photo spam is)
So there's this 800m long Hydrangea Road leading to Palace Huis ten Bosch. And they have a little road that winds through the hydrangeas so that you can take a close look at them!
I'm just going to give up on saying stuff and let you enjoy the photos in peace.
Although I really want to add that I love the colours of hydrangeas! So many delicate colours that are really hard to take pictures of!
Also, a friend told me that a stalk of hydrangea costs $30 in Singapore so now when I look at the picture I'm like "Ok, this is a lot of money" (joking, I still look at the colours first)
This photo looks white but it's actually a really pale pink mixed with white and I find it really beautiful!
Huis ten Bosch was also having a heart hydrangea campaign and I was really, really looking forward to finding a heart AND I'M SO GLAD I DID! Apparently these occur naturally and the shape changes as it blooms so I guess I'm really lucky to have seen this(:
And the next few pictures will be of the hydrangea market! It's really just a place where you can buy the hydrangeas:
And there's also a little area where people can attend lectures and other events about hydrangea!
And then I got a message from my friend saying that she was done with work so I took the path back.
And um, got very distracted.
And then she couldn't find me so I basically managed to get lost ._.
A few photos later, we finally managed to meet and I started taking pictures of her and the flowers! She gave me permission to share them too so I want to share this one(:
unfortunately there was a light in almost every photo of her T.T |
Back at Amsterdam Square for the Hydrangea Parfait
Our last stop was the parfait! I've been wanting to try this since I first saw it because it's a lot easier to get my hands on than the hydrangea buffet (which is also a lot more expensive)
And the surroundings are really beautiful!
My parfait did not have the blue jelly that the picture had, but it was delicious all the same. The jelly and the ice-cream went together very well, and I really liked the biscuits - both the stick and the matcha leaf. The bottom was anko and it was a little heavy for me but overall I was really satisfied with this!
Although I regret not using my photne for this because the picture is quite blur.