不打擾 是我的溫柔

Recently, a girl in my office say want to bite me....
A simple word but it just stir back some old memory for me.

I can still remember it clearly, when you bite me, it feel so pain on my hand but I just let you bite.
I did not push you or pull my hand away from you.
Coz I feel so sweet in my heart. Feel things like this is not something you will do to anyone.
I guess I won't let anyone bite me again.

I add you back in Facebook. Using a spare account. So that I can know what is your latest status.
Although you don't post frequent, but still enough for me to see, you are very happy.
I wonder if I appear and tell you, what will happen.
Most likely you will act as nothing ever happen and say "Hi".
Thus, 不打擾 是我能给的最后溫柔

Also meet with another girl. Someone that I once try to confess my feeling to her and scared her.
I guess to her I am like a cockroach. Would avoid and run away at all cost.
Today I see her in the restaurant with her child. Should be 4 years old.
So she has get married for 4 years dy....
I didn't say "Hi" to her. Just let her continue her life.
不打擾 是我能给的最后溫柔

So, they are all still alive. Life still go on....

這世界 笑了 於是你合群的一起笑了
當生存是規則 不是 你的選擇
於是你 含著眼淚 飄飄盪盪 跌跌撞撞的走著

你不是真正的快樂 你的笑只是你穿的保護色
你決定不恨了 也決定不愛了
把你的靈魂 關在永遠 鎖上的軀殼

你不是真正的快樂 你的傷從不肯完全的癒合

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