Many of you are aware that I'm doing Psychology in NTU. Well, I've officially finished my last paper in NTU. And that means I'm all set to graduate and transit into the working world. I'm actually afraid of the uncertainty in my future, yet excited to finally be able to contribute something meaningful at the same time. Yes, I can't wait to start working and maybe someday, get back into the academic world.

I have enjoyed every single moment of my undergraduate life and am grateful to have met some of the most important people in my life during this period of time. Here's some key milestones in my 4 years of undergraduate life in NTU.

I realised I don't have much photos of my life in HSS. I guess I just wasn't active in my school to have much memories of it. I do remember the exam welfare packs every semester though. Being the typical Singaporean, I love it when there's free stuffs, especially when the exam welfare packs come with useful and practical items such as sanitary pads.
I will definitely miss going for 3 hours long lectures. I've had some of the most amazing lectures in my life in NTU. I've found my love for numbers and statistics and am proud of my A* in statistics. But I guess my biggest regret in NTU was not taking Engineering Psychology and Consumer Psychology because I've finished taking all my level 3000 modules by the time these modules were offered.

I have met some amazing people in HSS (as you can see from the above photo). These girls were some of my first friends in NTU. Honestly, I don't remember all 6 of us having a common module at all for the past 2 years because we had different preferences. But I'm still grateful for these girls, especially when it comes to FYP.

I spent half of my undergraduate life in Hall 10. I couldn't ask for a better hall. I loved the canteen's food. Even though it's a little far off from school, the shuttle buses made up for it because there are two bus stops nearby which meant you can hop on both lines of the buses.
And I guess, hall is where I met someone really special. It's where we had our first meal together and where he picked me up for our first date.

And cheerleading will always have a place in my heart. It was my escape from school and academic. Training allowed me to stop thinking about school work for a few hours and focus my energy on something else. Yes, it took up all my energy and time, leaving me with minimal time for revising, but I guess it's still one of my happiest moments in university.

I gave my entire (almost!) undergraduate life to CAC. I've met precious friends in CAC, friends I hold close to my heart. There's so many memories here in CAC. Spending almost everyday in the CAC room, burning weekends attending events, and all the sleepless nights.

School ECA takes up a lot of time and don't necessarily guarantee you a hall stay. But that's where you'll meet people who are passionate and genuine, people who are not there just for the sake of hall points.

Similarly to hall activities, it also allows you to meet people outside your course. My closest group of friends are all from different course background, Marketing, Business Accounting, Economics, Engineering, Computer Science, and even NIE.

I spent a semester studying in the UK. Not the most prestigious university but I took some of my most interesting modules there (Psychology of Performing Arts). Traveled around Europe on weekends and having all the freedom in the world.

To be honest, exchange is all about cooking your own meals. Unlike Singapore, where you can get a chicken rice takeaway easily, it's really expensive to eat out in UK. Groceries, on the other hand, were cheap. So much of the time was spent on grocery shopping and cooking.

I'm really do miss those exchange days. There were lot of independent living and jetting off after school to another new territory. I would really recommend going on an exchange, not because you'll get to travel around the world, but because that's where you'll actually learn and grow up, living away from your family for months.

One of my biggest regrets in NTU was to not have enough internship experiences. I've come to realise that relevant internship experiences are really important and essential in helping you to secure your dream job. Honestly, I'm really grateful I've managed to find an internship that opened my eyes to the industry I wanted to get into and managed to secure the job with a degree that may not be the most preferred for the role.
There were occasions where I do question if I made the right choice of choosing NTU over NUS. But it's because of the people I've met in NTU that made me grateful. If I chose NUS, I would have never been exposed to so many experiences and activities, and would never have met all these people who are really important to me.
I'll end off the post with one of my highlights in NTU - a selfie with the PM.