Imperial regalia of Japan / Three treasures / Myth

These are sample of Imperial tresures(photo by wikipedia).

When Ninigi landed on the world,
Amaterasu(God of the Sun) gave above "Treasures" to him. 
Ninigi was grandson of Amaterasu.

These treasures were derived from the Mars.
There were a civilization on the Mars.
It ruined by terrible war.

In God's world,the mirror was made at first,the next one was jewel,and last one was the sword.
The mirror means that "This world is whole reflection. (what goes around comes around)".
Mirror = Amaterasu (God of the sun) itself
The mirror was made of Obsidian,very heavy weight and carved like 16 petal of chrysanthemum.

YATA was one of pronunciation of Yahweh in Japan.
Ancient Hebrew language is written on the secret mirror like this↓
"God with you"
"The person who has the mirror is responsible-person of God"

Jewel means "6". Six is hexagon.
Hexagon is basic shape of the universe.
Honey comb/Turtle's shell/Star of David
The color is blue-green same as Polaris.
Polaris star is Star of david.
Jewel = Tsukuyomi god = God of the night/moon

The sword represents a shape of Japanese island.
Also, the sword means Susanoo.
Tsukuyomi and Susanoo are two sides of the same man.
They are same one God.

Susanoo is able to move around between death world and this world.
In this world he is called Susanoo,and the other death world,he is called Tsukuyomi.
And he is MICHAEL in other religions.

Sword also means purification.
It destroy all bad things.
If we get together these treasure in the same place,these will illumine.

Until Emperor Sujin's period(BC145-),
Treasures and Emperor were in the same place together in Nara prefecture.

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