Japanese famous ritual in summer solstice / Shinto / Common Sun worship

photo from wikipedia
Sun rising with Meoto-iwa/Wedded rocks of Futami Okitama Jinjya-shrine.
There is a huge hidden main rock in the sea over the Maoto-iwa two rocks.
So,these wedded rocks are gate for the main place of God,Okitama-Shinseki.(size:216m×108m)
The main rock is the God of the sea.
At the summer solstice,we can see beautiful rising sun behind the Mount Fuji.

Annual summer solstice ritual in Futami-Okitama Jinjya-shrine.
People purify their body in sea water and see the sunrise while singing Japanese national anthem.
Generally speaking,religious purification with water is called MISOGI in Japan.
We have to clean our body before ritual or sacred things.
Detail about Misogi in Shinto

Although Shinto is known that nature worship,
we especially cherish the Sun as Amaterasu-Ohomikami(The Sun Goddess).
Your old ancestors believed Sun worship too.
Because Sun worship was world wide worship in ancient time.
In addition,there was a super ancient Mountain worship.
It was root of all traditional religions in the world.

We have some important concepts about the Sun.

We think these points are solar anniversaries.
We have important Ohigan events in spring/autumnal equinox.
Ohigan are ancestor worship week of Japan.
Vernal equinox and autumnal equinox are middle day of events of Ohigan.
We make special Japanese sweets for our ancestors.

Ohigan weeks/2017

Ancestor worship in Japan is said that Zen Buddhism culture,
but it is not true at all.
Buddhism is very new thing in Japan.
Already,there was ancestor worship concept in ancient Shinto.
After that,Buddhism was imported in Japan.
Shinto's original main concept is Sun/Nature worship and Ancestor worship.
We can't divide these two worships because nature created human.

Obon event in August is the most important and big ancestor week, but Obon has no connection with solar orbit.

Season and it's atmosphere change after each equinox.
We think Ohigan is important solar partitions.
It has unique magnetic atmosphere.
Gratitude feeling for ancestors is easily delivered to ancestors in another world.
Because day time and night time's term are same.
Day = This visible world in the Earth(with Living people) = Body 
Night = Another world(Ancestors place) = Spirit
We are able to feel something special well-middle-point at Ohigan.

Winter solstice is more important than summer solstice
because winter solstice means revival of the Sun.
Long night season is ended by the day.
There are many traditional festivals after Winter solstice all over the world.

Winter solstice(21st or 22nd December) &The Sun still stays low orbit points after a few days = Sun's Death
Ancient people worried about Sun's death because they knew the Sun power create food for them.
Agriculture was the most important thing.

The solar orbit rise again (25th December)
So,Christianity has Sun worship essence.
At that time,there was a Sun worship religion,MITHRAISM in ancient Rome.

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