Japanese language's secret / Gratitude for invisible things / Power of word

In the near future,foreign people will start to learn Japanese language.
Especially,scientists for future Nobel prizes.

Because wise people will know about Japanese language's specialty.
Sometimes,Japanese don't use the Subject word.
It is very unique language.
Using the vague words will expand your brain's excursion.
It is interesting to note that human's brain can't distinguish "self" and "others" in words.
If you say "The girl is stupid",your brain will accept the word like this
"I am stupid".
So we need to use gentle words as much as possible
to protect our brain.
Dirty words for others destroy your brain's cells and body
and blaming words make your future bad.
"WE" are living together as one.

Japanese language also has special energy of nature.
Nature's wave = Japanese language

This word means "Thank you" in Japanese language.
有/ari means exist,existence.
難/gatou means hard,difficult,tough.
So, Ari-gatou is meaning "It is very hard to get" or "It's a rare opportunity"

Sometimes we use another style of Ari-gatou.
This word is adjective.
When we realize something good in a regular life,we often use the word.
I think this word has Japanese most important concept.
All things are already given and we gratitude for everything.

We have another unique Japanese word.
The middle word,"KAGE" means shadow/shade/back side/invisible side.
O and sama are polite language for KAGE.
So,O-KAGE-sama means
"I am grateful to everybody or everything what helps me.
I don't know who or what is helping me now actually,but I think they definitely did.
Furthermore,I don't care about they helped me or not.
Because everything abound me is given for me."

This is great Japanese Shinto's concept.
You need high imagination to understand Shinto.
We respect regular things given by God.

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